To 16.5.2024 Teksti 5.2. Sanastotehtävä

5.2 The Apple Empire (osa 1)

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Kirjoita synonyymit oikean sanan viereen.

Steve Jobs' life and achievements EMBODY the quintessential American dream. Despite his MODEST beginnings, this self-made man went on to found and lead one of the most successful companies in the world, making a FORTUNE in the process. As you'll soon find out, it was anything but STRAIGHTFORWARD or easy.

Steve Jobs: Extraordinary Entrepreneur

On February 24, 1955 a baby boy was born to two graduate students. The grandfather did not APPROVE OF his daughter's Syrian-born boyfriend and pressured her into giving the baby up for adoption. The baby was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs who named him Stephen Paul. As a boy, Steve TOOK APART and reconstructed radios and other electronic DEVICEs with his father.

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dismantled -- exemplify -- accept -- uncomplicated -- gadget -- humble -- large amount of money
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5.2 The Apple Empire (osa 2)

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Although Jobs was clearly BRIGHT , he had problems with formal schooling. He RESISTed authority, pulled pranks DUE TO boredom and generally did not feel at home in school. Later in high school, Jobs made friends with Steve Wozniak, who was to become his business partner in creating the company Apple. Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, for six months before dropping out.

After a BRIEF STINT as a video game designer, 21-year-old Jobs FOUNDed Apple Computers together with Wozniak. As they could not afford PREMISES of their own, they started their work in the Jobs' garage. Apple II, the first personal computer with colors, PROVEd a hit, eventually earning Jobs and Wozniak $139 million.

The success was not to last for Jobs, though. Apple Computers was SURPASSed in sales by IBM, and in 1985 Jobs was forced to leave the firm he had co-founded. Although understandably DEVASTATED , Jobs got back up again and started NeXT, a hardware and software business. He also PURCHASEd an animation company that later became Pixar Animation Studios. Apple bought NeXT in 1996, and the following year Jobs returned to Apple as the CEO of the company.

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establish -- smart -- upset -- short -- period of work -- because of -- acquire -- business space -- oppose -- turn out -- exceed
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5.2 The Apple Empire (osa 3)

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Jobs is widely CREDITed WITH putting the corporation back on track with innovative products like the iMac and the iPhone. Apple's products SHAPEd the evolution of modern technology, with competitors ENDEAVORing to produce similar technologies immediately following a new Apple release. Nevertheless, after LONG-STANDING rumors had been CIRCULATING about his health, Jobs stepped down from the post of CEO of Apple in 2009. He died in 2011 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

Many would consider Jobs an unlikely candidate for success because his parents were working class, he had problems at school and later dropped out of college. Also, CONTRARILY to the image we may have of entrepreneurs who have made millions, he didn't PURSUE studies that he thought would be the most LUCRATIVE later on. Instead, he followed his instinct and worked on what he found interesting.

Jobs' employees have called him not only an overly DEMANDING boss but also a difficult co-worker. Despite all this, he was able to transform the ENTIRE computer industry with his vision and DRIVE .

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profitable -- whole -- influence -- follow -- determination -- exacting -- going around -- strive -- conversely -- enduring -- recognize for
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