Group assignment

Group assignment: Compare European nations

In this group assignment, your job is to write an essay about European nations. The number of nations you discuss depends on the number of people in your group.

a) Choose the same number of European nations as there are members in your group. For example, a group of four students can choose the following four nations: the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland and France.

b) Each student is tasked with finding information about their own nation. 

c) The information you find can be collected in the group notes modules (below).

The information you have to find about the nations you choose are:
  • their population
  • their surface areas
  • their forms of government
  • their natural conditions
  • their most famous sights and tourist attractions
An example of how you can gather information into the group notes module:
(Each student writes down the information they have found about their own nation:
Student 1: France is a republic.
Student 2: The United Kingdom is a monarchy.
Student 3: Germnay is a federal republic.
Student 4: Finland is a republic. 

When you have collected all of the information into one module, you can edit the text into a finished essay.