

Buddhism is the fourth largest known religion in the world. Buddhism originated from Hinduism. Buddhism orginated from about 400 BC. There are more than 500 million people who follow Buddhism. Countries that follow buddhism are Thailand, Combodia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, China and India so it is mainly South East Asia. But some people in north America and in australia also follow buddhism. Some people in Norway also follows this religion.

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There is also a dharm chakra in their religion. This came from hindi which means the religion wheel.
Kuvahaun tulos haulle buddhism dharma wheel
There are three holy books in Buddhism. One of them is Tripitaka also known as pali canon. Pali means buddha. Mahayana Sutras is their second holy book. Their third holy book is Tibetan.
All buddhas pray in a temple. They all believe in Buddha.

Some festivals of Buddhism

Buddhism NEW YEAR
In all the countries where people follow buddhism, it always depends in country you are. For example in Thailand, Cambodia, Burma and Sri Lanka people celebrate the new year in April for three days of full moon.

It is birthday of Lord Buddha. It is the major festival in Buddhism. Every years it is celebrated on 1st of may because of the full moon exept in the Leap year it is celebrated in June. This celebration is called Vesak being the name of the month in the Indian calendar.

Magha Puja Day
Magha Puja Day takes places on the full moon day of the third lunar month (March). It is a holy day. This was an important event in the life of Lord Buddha.

The four monthly holy days which continue to be observed the new moon, full moon, and quarter moon days.

The festival of the tooth
Kandy is a beautiful city in Sri Lanka and there is a temple where everyone comes to pray in August. The temple is especially made for Buddha's tooth which is never been seen because it is underground and can't be taken out. So people pray to a picture that is kept in the temple.

Goal of Buddhism
The goal of buddhism is to be happy and to be ultimately liberated from suffering.

Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva  This is a picture of lord Buddha.