15. Multiplying a polynomial by a monomial

Multiplying a polynomial by a monomial

By following normal calculation rules, the expression [[$ 2(3+4) $]], ​which means the same as [[$ 2 \cdot (3+4) $]], is simplified as follows: [[$ 2(3+4) = 2\cdot 7 = 14 $]].

The same result is arrived at by first multiplying both addendums separately [[$ 2(3+4) = 2\cdot 3 +2 \cdot 4 = 6+8 =14 $]]. If the expression contains variables that prevent the sum in brackets from being simplified, the latter method allows you to remove the brackets.

Multiplying a polynomial by a monomial 

Each term in the polynomial is multiplied by the monomial separately. Products are added together with their signs.

[[$ a(b+c) = ab +ac $]]​


Example 1

Multiply the polynomial by a monomial.

Example 2

Calculate [[$ 2(x + 4) $]]​. A rectangle with side lengths of [[$ 2 $]]​ and [[$ (x + 4) $]]​ can be used as an aid to deduce the answer. The answer is the same as the the area of the rectangle.

Answer: [[$ 2x + 8 $]]​

Example 3

Multiply the polynomials by the monomials.