ena2 / Erja H. Haaksluoto / 4. periodi

ena2 / MOCK EXAM / LEIKKIKOE / Erja H. Haaksluoto / 4. periodi

ena2, jakso 4, 2021 - 2022

Teacher: Erja H. Haaksluoto

English Exam on Tuesday February 15th, at 15.00 - 16.55 hours at school


  • imperfekti (pages 20 - 21, 34 - 35, 48 - 49, 159, 170 - 171)
  • text 7A (pages 97 - 101)
  • text 7B (pages 104)

Course material:

  • text: 7A (pages 4 - 6)
  • text 7B (pages 9 - 10)
  • imperfekti (pages 11 - 25)


1 VOCABULARY I. Match the Finnish and English word.

1 SANASTO I. Yhdistä suomenkielinen ja englanninkielinen sana.

pill _____ 1 murtunut

painkiller _____ 2 kurkku

hospital _____ 3 kamala, hirvittävä

broken _____ 4 allerginen

arm _____ 5 pilleri

horrible _____ 6 kutina

medicine _____ 7 sairaala

allergic _____ 8 käsivarsi

itching _____ 9 lääke

throat _____ 10 särkylääke

 / 10 p

2 VOCABULARY II. Your friend has health problems. Offer advice.

2 SANASTO II. Ystävälläsi on terveysongelmia. Neuvo ystävääsi ja kirjoita tilanteeseen sopiva neuvo.

For example:  I am tired. Go to bed and have a good sleep.

1.My leg is itching.


2. I have a headache.


I’m very thirsty.


4. My stomach really hurts.


5. I have diarrhoea.


   / 10 p

3 VOCABULARY III. Text 7A. Write the correct word according to the Finnish clue.

3 SANASTO III. Teksti 7A. Kirjoita oikea sana suomenkielisen vihjeen mukaan.

  1. Last week I was very ___________________. (sairas, kipeä)
  2. What was _____________________? (mikä oli hätänä)
  3. I was ______________________ (rannalla) too long. 
  4. I _____________________ (polttaa, palaa; POLTIN imperfekti) my 
  5. ______________________ (olkapäät). 
  6. It was ______________________ (kauhea, kamala)
  7. I also got the _____________________. (löysä vatsa, ripuli)
  8. ____________________ you! (voi sinua raukkaa)
  9. I think I got a food _______________________ (myrkytys) from the restaurant. 
  10. At least you didn’t have a high ___________________ (kuume).

/ 10 p 

4 VOCABULARY IV. Text 7B. Write the missing word according to the Finnish clue.

4 SANASTO IV. Teksti 7B. Kirjoita puuttuva sana suomenkielisen vihjeen mukaan.

  1. Last week I had a sore _____________________________________ (kurkku).
  2. I also had a nasty _________________________________________ (ihottuma).
  3. I was at the doctor’s and the doctor had a look at my ______________________ (rinta(kehä)).
  4. Obviously it was a typical allergic reaction. I am allergic to _________________ (merilevä).
  5. The doctor said to me: “________________________________(parantua; PARANE) soon.”

/ 5 p

5 PAST SIMPLE - regular verbs. 

IMPERFEKTI - säännölliset verbit.

  • Write the missing past simple form. Use the given verb. 

Kirjoita lauseisiin puuttuva imperfektimuoto. Käytä annettua verbiä.

1 He / sneeze.


2 We / laugh at / you.


3 They / run / to catch / the bus.


4 Mike and Fiona / read / a / novel.  


5 You / smile at / me.


/ 10 p

6 PAST SIMPLE - regular verbs. 

IMPERFEKTI - säännölliset verbit.

  • Write the missing past simple form. Use the verb in brackets. These are regular verbs.

Kirjoita lauseisiin puuttuva imperfektimuoto. Käytä annettua verbiä. Verbit ovat säännöllisiä verbejä.

For example: I played tennis last weekend. Did you play tennis? I didn’t play tennis.  (PLAY)

1 I _________________________________ ice hockey, I ________________________ basketball.


2 I _______________________________ about my holiday to my classmates yesterday. (TALK) 

3 She _______________________________ in the garden. (RELAX)

4 We __________________________________________ breakfast on holiday. (COOK - KIELTEINEN / 


5 __________________ you ________________________ in the forest? (WALK - KYSYMYS / QUESTION)

6 They __________________________________ the house. (CLEAN - KIELTEINEN/ NEGATIVE)

7 You __________________________ in a nice B&B, didn’t you? (STAY)

8 ______________ you _____________________ to your home country last summer? (TRAVEL - KYSYMYS / 


/ 9 p



  • Change the underlined BE-verbs into past simple. Do not write the whole sentence, just the verb.

Muuta alleviivatut OLLA-verbit imperfektiin. Kirjoita vain olla-verbin imperfektimuoto.

For example: Am I tired? Was 

  1.  Are they in London for the holidays? ________________________________
  2.  We are in a restaurant. ________________________________
  3.  Is Matti with Anni? ________________________________
  4.  Jaana and Erja are best friends. ________________________________
  5.  I’m not happy. ________________________________

/ 5 p

8 Write the past simple form of the irregular verb

Kirjoita verbin imperfektimuoto. Verbit ovat epäsäännöllisiä

For example: Our teacher  left  for coffee. (lähti - LÄHTEÄ)

1 Aasho _________________________ food. (teki - TEHDÄ)

2 Thomas ________________________ our car on the internet. (myi - MYYDÄ)

3 Abdirizaq ______________________ home. (meni - MENNÄ)

4 Habiibo and Haawo _________________________ fluent Finnish. (puhuivat - PUHUA)

5 I _____________________ a secret to my best friend. (kerroin - KERTOA)

6 Jalal ________________________ a bus to school. (otti - OTTAA)

7 I ___________________________ I had lost my keys. (ajattelin - AJATELLA)

8 You ___________________________ what I meant. (ymmärsit - YMMÄRTÄÄ)

9 She _________________________ us home last night. (ajoi - AJAA)

10 Ruqia ______________________ her luggage. (kadotti - KADOTTAA)

/ 10 p

9 READING COMPREHENSION. Read the text and the statements. Are they TRUE or FALSE? Circle your answer.

LUETUN YMMÄRTÄMINEN. Lue teksti ja väittämät. Ovatko ne OIKEIN vai VÄÄRIN? Ympyröi Sinun vastauksesi.

Hello Carol! How are you?
Oh, hello there May. Not too bad. How are you?
I'm alright, thanks. How's Peter now? I saw him on Saturday and he looked awful.
Oh, I know. He had a terrible cold, but he's getting over it now. He went to see the new doctor and got some pills for it, or perhaps it was what the doctor said that helped, I'm not sure.
She doesn't give too many pills. She tells people to rest and have hot drinks, then get up and go out.
Well, I'm going to get up and go in. It's getting too cold and windy out here. Would you like to come over for a cup of tea?
Another time, Carol, but thanks. I'm going to the pharmacy to get something for a headache.
Oh, you have a headache. Why didn't you say? I'm just talking and keeping you out here in the cold.
No, it's alright. I'm going there for Rory. He's got a headache, not me.

(Destinations 2, Otava, opettajan materiaali, s. 140)

TRUE or FALSE? Circle your answer.

OIKEIN vai VÄÄRIN? Ympyröi sinun vastaus.

1 Peter was feeling ill last Saturday. TRUE FALSE

2 The doctor gave him some horrible-tasting liquid. TRUE FALSE

3 The weather is warm and sunny. TRUE FALSE

4 May wants to join Carol for a hot drink. TRUE FALSE

5 May is on her way to the chemist’s. TRUE FALSE

6 Rory’s head hurts. TRUE FALSE

/ 18 p

10 WRITING TASK. Write about your last weekend or your last summer holiday. Use past simple. You can use the verbs and words in the box. Write at least five sentences.

KIRJOITELMA. Kirjoita sinun viime viikonlopustasi tai viime kesälomastasi. Käytä imperfektiä. Voit käyttää verbejä ja sanoja laatikossa. Kirjoita vähintään viisi virkettä. 

watch go cook play travel

relax abroad beach friends home 


(Title / Otsikko)









/ 30 p

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