Internet addiction Workshop

Working on the theme of keeping our children safe against the new technology temptations  we organized three educational workshops in the 4th, 5th and 6th grades with the help  of the psychologist of our school.
The procedure followed was: 
  • video presentation on internet addiction as it appears in young ages
  • discussion on the symptoms and consequences of addiction on the social life and psychology of children-adolescents.
  • meditation-recognition of the problem by pupils-discussion about personal experiences from their daily routine
  •  questionnaires were handed out to pupils where they were asked  to answer questions about their online habits, how safe the pages they visit  are, how much time they spend on playing online game and a lot more as you can see in the attached file.
  • Conclusions: spending a lot of time on the internet  can lead children to addiction resulting in low school performance , anger, arguments with parents, alienation from friends and social activities. Most primary school pupils spend 1-2 hours on the net on a daily basis but there is also a considerable number of kids who play games online  even for 14 hours! The reasons for that is the lack of interests and attractive activities-actually they find internet games much more attractive as they said! -and the lack of time limits among others.
  • Suggestions made by the pupils themselves: time limits by parents, spending more valuable time on outdoor activities and games with friends-a healthy social life!

During the workshops we also visited the educational website : "Safer Internet for kids " with our pupils playing safe games, doing crosswords and quizes, watching educational  videos all relevant to the internet safety rules.

Τhe questionnaire forms are attached below.


Ερωτηματολόγιο -Εθισμός στο Διαδίκτυο
Digital Citizenship Quiz
Safer Internet Day Quiz 2019


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