Posters~Adam and Eve in the Garden of

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden-Net

The poster of group 2, grade E has got a story to tell.

The children were inspired by the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when the serpent deceived Eve into eating fruit from the forbidden tree  and she gave some of the fruit to Adam disobeying God's Will.
In this poster the serpent tempts Eve with a red dress which she can order online from a smart phone.
Adam gets so excited with this new device that he wants to have it , too....


 Serpent: Hey Eve! Take a look at this red dress! You can order it online from my i phone.

 Eve: Really? Perfect! Adam look ! A smart phone! We can buy clothes online .

 Adam: How cool! I want it, too!

Serpent : He,he, he I will hack Adam’s facebook, twitter and instagram accounts . 

He hasn’t got an antivirus! What a fool! (thinking to himself)

Eve: Adam, please! 
Be nice, be kind
to people you don’t know
on the website
Stay safe, surf the net
visit pages of interest!

Scene II

God:  Oh, my Goodness! What can I do with you?  

 First it was an apple, now it’s an i phone

I can’t kick you out of Eden again

I will be alone!

Okay Adam, you can keep it but at least follow my tips!

#1 Don’t give out personal information

 #2 Never send pictures to strangers 

 #3 Keep your password private

 #4 Don’t download anything without permission

 #5 Only say and share nice things 
#6  Tell me  if you receive a mean or strange message

Stay by me! I am here for you! käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä