A Welcome letter from Angela and Sophia!

Καλημέρα από την Ελλάδα!
Goodmorning,from Greece! Kalimera!


Καλημέρα! My name is Sophia!

I’m 11 years old and I come from Greece. I live in Athens, the capital of Greece.

My country is in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkan peninsula. It borders Albania, Fyrom and Bulgaria in the north and Turkey in the east. It is surrounded by the Aegean Sea and the Ionian Sea. Greece has got high mountains with Mount Olympus being the highest. The largest plains are in Macedonia, Thrace and Thessaly. Greece has got the largest coastline in the Mediterranean sea and thousands of islands. Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Santorini,Mykonos are only some of them,but very popular.

The climate is Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters, although it sometimes snows, especially in the north. Then the small picturesque villages get more beautiful.

The population is about 11 million people and there are a lot of immigrants from Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, and Georgia as well as from many Asian and African countries.

The last years many refugees from Syria and Iraq have come here to find shelter and a better life.

We are very happy with the natural beauties and the history of our country. Greece is famous for its unique monuments, picturesque villages, sunny weather and beautiful beaches.

When I go on holidays with my family I prefer visiting the small white churches standing on the top of the hills.

The people are friendly, brave and hospitable and the food is great. That’s why millions of tourists visit it every year and most of them wish to come back again and again.
I love my country and I wish to welcome you all to my school and show you the beauties of our country with my friends.

With love, Sophia

An article about Greece by Nikki, 11 yrs

And another one about Finland by Eva, 11 yrs

by Aggeliki


Mια μικρή παρουσίαση για τη χώρα μας* This is our country"


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