Meeting Report



ERASMUS PLUS KA2 –Codice Progetto: 2020-1-DE03-KA229-077412_5 

Programma 1 mobilità – Acerra (Italy) 21/03/2022 – 26/03/2022 

Sustainable Me - my power as a consumer 


21-26 March 2022  

The 1st Transnational Learning activity (C1) of the Erasmus + Project “Sustainable me-My power as a consumer” took place at Liceo Alfonso Maria de’ Liguori, Acerra NA from 21st to 26th of March 2022, as previously scheduled by the four partners schools. 

In the first meeting we worked on different aspects: 1. our first priority was to face the different aspects of Pollution and sustainability, as we planned in our Project; 2. the second one was to work with students in presence in their transnational groups; 3. the third priority was to verify students’ knowledge of the glossary about our Topic. The glossary could be a CLIL material for future use in class; 4. the last activity was to arrange a virtual visit to the Waste-to-energy-plant that insist on our territory. 

The staff members met outside the activities for planning and organisational matters as we had not scheduled project meetings to this purpose, but we preferred to discuss project management matters on the occasion of the transnational activities. 

  1. Different aspects of pollution and sustainability. 

Students began to work on the Topic last year, using the eTwinnig platform. In Italy they had the opportunity to compare the different answers they gave to the Ecological Footprint survey and fix the most frequent ones on a Poster. This first activity was guided by the German Team. Our footprint on the Earth could be lighter if we chose in a more conscious way: Italian students presented a power point about psychological aspects of purchase: Are you an emotional buyer?. The 3 R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle activity described how much we should handle our waste. Reduce the amount of waste we create in the first place. Reuse items as often as possible – to put less strain on the world’s finite resources. And Recycle appropriate man-made and natural materials. This activity was guided by the Finnish Team. Air pollution was another impotant aspect we faced lead by the Spanish Team. 

  1. Working together in transnational groups. 

Students had the opportunity to work together in international groups in many activities, such as Ecological Footprint and the Treasure Hunt they had in Naples: in this game, there were 6 international teams and they had to find out objects as cigarettes, candy wrapper thrown into the street or bike, overboard and other objects they had on the list, then they had to take a photo and share it with the position by phone. In this Hunt, they could focused the bad and good behaviour everyone should have strolling around. 

  1. Students’ knowledge of the glossary about our topic. 

Our students’ answered a Quizizz questionnaire about the Air Pollution glossary (Spanish Team). 

Our students’ answered a KAHOOT questionnaire about the 3 R (Finnish Team). 

Our students’ answered a Google Form about Being an emotional Buyer (Italian Team). 

All the students’ made a webquest about packaging, in the computer lab, too  (Italian Team): after reading the meaning of Packaging, they had to match 5 words and definitions (words known by Clil activity they made on eTwinning); then they were asked to do an Internet search among a list of website given to them and prepare a short presentation answering these questions:  what is packaging? is it possible to reduce packaging to preserve the environment? Do you need to read more artiches?  


  1. Virtual visit to the Waste-to-energy-plant 

The last activity was to arrange a visit to the Waste-to-energy-plant that insist on our territory, as we planned in our Project. As a result of the Corona virus pandemic it was not possible to go to the waste-to-energy-plant so we had a virtual tour. It was a pity, because it was difficult to follow Mrs. D’Angelo explaining the system they use to save energy, because she spoke English, but the videos she showed were in Italian, so understanding was really difficult. 


“MINUTES” of the Italian meeting 

Day 1: Monday 21/03/2022 


In the afternoon all the groups were in Acerra and we welcomed them in a Pizzeria. Before eating their first Italian pizza, we did a first activity Guess who: He/She is next to you! Italian students showed their presentation as talking Avatar and the partners tried to recognize them: an easy way for ice-breaking and know something about them! Our students introduced the Instagram Page they had prepared for our meeting:  


Day 2: Tuesday  22/03/2022 

 We met all the teams in the Aula Magna of the school. Students and teachers had some ice-breaking activities - A live comic to introduce myself. We are sustainable because...- and there was a welcome speech by the vice-headmaster, Prof. Paola Ammirati, because our headmaster, Prof. Giovanni La Montagna, was sick.  

After the coffee-break we began with the activity Are you an emotional Buyer? (Italian team). After lunch, the activity Ecological Footprint, led by the German team and introduction to eTwinning, Italian team. 

Day 3: Wednesday 23/03/2022 

Naples: guided tour of MANN, national archaeological museum of Naples. With its rich and unique archaeological collections, this Museum is one of the most ancient and important institutes in the world. The main collections are: the Farnese collection, consisting of finds from Rome and surroundings and transferred to Naples in the '700; the Pompeian collections, mostly Bourbon, with finds from the Vesuvian area; the Egyptian collection. 

After the tour in the museum students and teachers walked through the World Heritage Unesco city center to the seafront. After lunch, students had the activity Treasure Hunt 

Day 4: Thursday 24/03/2022 

In the morning we had The activity The 3 R: reduce, Reuse,Recycle, led by Finnish Team. After that the Spanish Team presented the activity Air pollution. After the coffe-break, the Italian team presented a PPt about Sport and sustainability. All the students had sport activity until lunch, while we had a teachers’ meeting to talk about the second meeting in Finland. 

In the afternoon, students had the webquest about Packaging, leading by Italian students, in the computer lab. After that we had the virtual tour to the Waste-to-energy-plant in Acerra. The last activity was our colleague Santa Soriano’s presentation about the school project our school began 20 years ago to try to teach students the 3 R, in particular we focused on the Recycle creating new artistic objects.  

Day 5: Friday 25/03/2022 

In the morning students and teachers went to Naples, in another part of the city, on the Vomero Hill, to visit La Certosa di San Martino,  wich was a former monastery complex, now it is a museum . Along with Castel Sant’Elmo  that stands beside it, this is the most visible landmark of the city, perched atop the Vomero hill that commands the gulf. 

After the guided tour, stdents and teachers were strolling around Vomero. 

Our last activity in the afternoon was the Evaluation of the week:  

Farewell Party at school 

In the night we had a party for our last evening together.  





We informed all the city about the First Meeting of our Erasmus Project by Posters around the city; we have a corner in the school where we fixed a forex poster about the meeting and a roll up standing were print to take it in the Aula Magna, while we had our meeting.  

Italian students have created the Instagram page for the meeting:  

The online newspapers wrote about us:  


 käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä