Kertaa tekstit 1, 4, 7, 9 (tärkeä, koska kurssilla ei pidetty sanakoetta!)
Glossaries: Education s. 28, Working Life s. 46 ja Economics s. 96
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Kielioppi: Adjektiivit ja adverbit, epäsuora kerronta ja lauseenvastikkeet s. 129 - 166
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Prepositiot: s. 176 verbejä ilman prepositiota ja substantiivi+prepositio s. 179-182. Tee tehtävät 34 ja 37-39, joihin on kirjassa ratkaisut.

Kirjoitelma: Otsikot liittyvät kurssin aihepiireihin (opiskelu, työelämä, talous). Pyri käyttämään tekstissäsi kurssilla oppimaasi uutta sanastoa.

Kurssin viimeisten tehtävien ratkaisuja: 

Homework 29 p. 166

1. Before applying for a job, you should consider the following things.

2. Applicants invited for an interview are expected to be prepared in many ways.

3. Before (being) interviewed, be sure to do some research on the company.

4. When choosing what to wear for the interview, there are certain rules to follow.

5. People not wearing appropriate clothing can be considered unprofessional.

6. After deciding / Having decided your outfit, ask for a second opinion.

7. Not being very experienced with interviews, young people might not be the best ones to give advice.

8. When commuting to the interview, make sure you have enough time.

9. When arriving at the office, remember that first impressions are everything.

10. Some of the questions asked may seem strange and irrelevant.

11. The person interviewing you just wants to see how you react.

12. When answering the questions, remember to sound positive and enthusiastic.

13. Wanting a motivated employee, the employer will expect you to have questions for them.

14. When asked questions about their business, they know the applicant has prepared beforehand.

15. The applicant chosen for the job often has both qualifications and great social skills.

16. Applicants not hired should stay optimistic and try again as many times as needed.


Homework 30 p. 166

1. Judging from/by the tone of her voice, she was running out of patience.

2. After making / Having made / After they have made important decisions, people often feel relieved.

3. People investing / who invest in apartments/flats often make a good / a lot of profit.

4. Houses (that are) built with quality materials are always more valuable.

5. Even though / although (he is) a qualified psychologist, Lewis has been unemployed for two months.

6. Did you see the man in / (who was) wearing the bright yellow suit?

9a Suggested p. 90

  1. Kiinteä kuukausipalkka, palkallinen loma ja se, että se antaa perustan vakaan tulevaisuuden suunnitteluun.
  2. Optimistit näkevät tulevaisuuden täynnä täysivaltaisia/voimaantuneita yrittäjiä ja loputtomia innovaatioita. Pessimistit näkevät tulevaisuuden työntekijät orjuutettuina metsästämässä seuraavaa urakkaa.
  3. Sähköisten markkinapaikkojen kautta on voinut hakea töitä, myydä omia tuotteita ja luoda alustoja majoitustoiminnan järjestämiseksi.
  4. Sen myötä on helpompi luottaa osittain tuntemattomaan kanssaihmiseen.
  5. Uber ei omista autoja, se tarjoaa asiakkaalle keinon saada yhteys auton kuljettajaan.
  6. Ne määrittelevät hinnat, kouluttavat palveluiden tuottajia palvelutason parantamiseksi, auttavat myyjiä luomaan verkostoja ja tarjoavat asiakkaille mahdollisuuden antaa palautetta.
  7. He eivät tarvitse pitkää koulutusta tai erikoistumista ennen työhön ryhtymistä, heidän ei tarvitse sitoutua kokopäivätyöhön, aikataulut ovat joustavat, he ovat ”oma pomonsa”, he voivat tasapainottaa työ- ja arkielämänsä, he voivat kokeilla yrittäjyyttä ilman ison riskin ottamista.
  8. Keikkataloudessa pääoma ei kasaudu harvojen käsiin. Toisaalta yhteiskunta voi kehittyä niin, että massat tuottavat palveluita pienelle etuoikeutettujen joukolle. (Myös sosiaaliturva täytyy suunnitella uusiksi niin, että se ei enää perustu kuukausipalkkaiseen työhön.)


9b p. 90

  1. a fixed salary every month
  2. take paid holidays
  3. make our living working gigs
  4. digitally enabled
  5. on-demand services
  6. commit to full days of work
  7. a steady pay cheque
  8. fixed work hours
  9. company-provided benefits
  10. a few gigs on the side
  11. full-time employment


9c p. 90

  1. a fixed salary every month
  2. commit to full days of work
  3. full-time employment
  4. take paid holidays
  5. a steady pay cheque
  6. make our living working gigs
  7. on-demand services
  8. fixed work hours
  9. company-provided benefits
  10. digitally enabled
  11. a few gigs on the side


9d p. 91

  1. To the optimists, it promises a future of empowered entrepreneurs and boundless innovation. To the naysayers, it portends a dystopian future of disenfranchised workers hunting for their next wedge of piecework.
  2. Today’s digitally enabled gig economy was preceded by marketplaces such as ELance and oDesk, through which computer programmers and designers could make a living competing for short-term work assignments.
  3. It is spawning a host of new economic activity.
  4. But these platforms are by no means merely the purveyors of Smith’s invisible hand. Rather, the hand they play in facilitating exchange is decidedly visible.
  5. …the main driver of sustained economic inequality over the past two centuries has been the concentration of wealth-producing “capital” in the hands of a few.
  6. …the economy is powered by millions of micro-entrepreneurs who own their businesses, rather than a small number of giant corporations.
  7. There’s a risk we might devolve into a society in which the on-demand many end up serving the privileged few.
  8. Although the broader socioeconomic effects of the gig economy are as yet unclear, it is clear we must rethink the provision of our safety net, decoupling it from salaried jobs and making it more readily available to independent workers.


9f p. 92

  1. career
  2. temporary
  3. fixed
  4. facilitate
  5. feedback
  6. commercial
  7. competent
  8. inequality
  9. privileged
  10. corporation

Glossary Economics

 A p. 97

  1. economics
  2. supply
  3. demand
  4. inflation
  5. profit
  6. credit
  7. loan
  8. interest rate
  9. deficit
  10. surplus


B p. 97

  1. borrow
  2. tax
  3. loss
  4. embargo
  5. bankrupt
  6. currency
  7. deposit
  8. debt
  9. crash
  10. invest
  11. bond
  12. cost
  13. stock
  14. market
  15. cash