
Teachers in school 2017 - 2018

Timo Marko (biology, geography), headmaster
Höykinpuro Päivi (swedish, german)
Kaartinen Minna (history, philosophy)
Kainulainen Kauko (mathematics, physics, computer science), assistant headmaster
Kyrönlahti Jarmo (religion, psychology)
Laasala Vuokko (mathematics, physics, computer science)
Lehtelä Jouko (biology, geography, health education)
Mäkelä Sari (mathematics, chemistry)
Saukko Raila (mother tongue)
de Silva Felix (english, russian)
Visto Janne (english, french, spanish)
Yli-Sissala Anne (history, guidance and education counselling)

Paavola Anneli (physical and health education)
Paavola Jyrki (physical and health education)
Peräsalo Urmas (music)
Sippola Saila (visual arts)