Kuuntelu (Tehtävät 7-8)

7. Burger Order (12 p.)

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The following is a conversation between a waiter and a customer in a restaurant. The recording is in four sections and you can listen to the waiter’s lines in each section twice. For each question, decide which of the customer’s responses is the most polite. You can listen to each option as many times as you like.

7.1 Listen, and choose THE MOST POLITE response. 3 p.

Waiter: Hello sir, are you ready to order?

7.2 Listen, and choose THE MOST POLITE response 3 p.

Waiter: That may be possible. What did you have in mind, sir?

7.3 Listen, and choose THE MOST POLITE response. 3 p.

Waiter: Ah, I’m afraid not, sir. We don’t offer avocado as a topping.

7.4 Listen, and choose THE MOST POLITE response. 3 p.

Waiter: We can do that, sir. Of course, the guacamole is extra – it’s a £1.50 charge. Will that be alright?

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8. Student Radio Advert (12 p.)

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This is a recording in which a teacher and students on a radio production course discuss making radio advertisements. The recording is in two sections. You can listen to it once all the way through and then listen to each section twice. Read the questions carefully and choose the best alternative.

8.1 Why was it a good idea to have the students make the radio advertisements for the college? 3 p.

8.2 How were the students encouraged to approach the project? 3 p.

8.3 What did the students find especially valuable about this project? 3 p.

8.4 How did the experience of making radio adverts differ from the students’ usual study projects? 3 p.

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