Quadratic equations

Standard form [[$ ax^2+bx+c=0, \quad a\neq 1 $]]
Quadratic formula: [[$ \quad x=\dfrac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} $]]

Parabola opening direction and shape:

  • If [[$ a > 0 $]], the parabola opens upwards. 
  • If [[$ a < 0 $]], the parabola opens downwards. 
  • If [[$ |a| $]] is small, the parabola is wide. 
  • If [[$ |a| $]] is great, the parabola is narrow.

Incomplete quadratic equations

The number of solutions to equation [[$ ax^2 + c = 0 $]] depends on the constant [[$c$]]:
  • [[$c < 0$]]: two solutions, solutions of opposite numbers 
  • [[$c= 0$]]: the only solution is [[$x = 0$]]
  • [[$c > 0$]]: no solution 
Solutions of the equation [[$ ax^2 + bx = 0 $]]:
  • always two solutions, the other is always [[$x = 0$]].

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