The slope-intercept form y = kx + b

When drawing a line in a coordinate system, it is not always necessary to start by creating a table of points. In fact, a line can sometimes be drawn by merely interpreting its equation. To do this, the equation of the line is solved for [[$ y $]]. Using the normal equation-solving rules, terms other than the variable [[$ y $]] are moved to the right side of the equation.

The slope-intercept form

The constant term [[$ b $]] indicates the point where the line intersects the [[$ y $]] axis. The slope of the equation shows whether the line is ascending or descending.


Example 1

What is the slope of the line and what is the constant term? Is the line ascending or descending?

a) [[$ y = 2x + 1 $]]​

b) [[$ y = x \: - 6 $]]​

c) [[$ y = \: -4x +3 $]]​


a) The slope is [[$ 2 $]] and the constant term is [[$ 1 $]]. Since the slope is positive, the line is a ascending.

b) The slope is [[$ 1 $]] and the standard term is [[$ -6 $]]. Since the slope is positive, the line is a ascending.

c) The slope is [[$ -4 $]] and the standard term is [[$ 3 $]]. Since the slope is negative, the line is descending.

To draw a line in the coordinate system, you must know the coordinates of at least two points on the line. The constant term tells the [[$ y $]] coordinate of the point at which the line intercepts the [[$ y $]] axis. The second point can be determined by the line's slope. The second point is found by moving from the point of intersection of the line and the [[$ y $]] axis as determined by the slope. This is done by moving along the [[$ x $]] axis by the number of steps determined by the slope's numerator and along the [[$ y $]] axis by the number of steps determined by the slope's denominator.

NB! The equation of a line that passes through the origin does not have a constant term, which means that it is of the form [[$ y = kx $]].

Example 2

Draw the line [[$ y = \displaystyle\frac {1} {3}x +2 $]]​ in the coordinate system based on its slope and constant term.

Example 3

Draw the line [[$ y = \: –2x + 4 $]]​ in the coordinate system based on its slope and constant term. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä