Exercise 10.8

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

A line drawn in a coordinate system can be expressed by an expression (equation). Each line has its own expression. The expression for one line is [[$ y = x +1$]]. In the expression [[$x$]] expresses the value of the [[$x$]] coordinate of a point on the line and [[$y$]], respectively, expresses the value of the [[$y$]] coordinate of the same point. Use the expression to calculate the value of the [[$y$]] coordinate when

a) [[$x = 0$]]

b) [[$x = 2$]]

c) [[$x =-3$]]

d) How can you draw the line [[$y = x +1$]] to the coordinate system?

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

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