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In English

Toejoki School is located to the north of the river Kokemäenjoki, about two kilometres from the city centre of Pori. The school got its name from the fish traps in the river, used to catch white fish and salmon.

The school was founded in 1900. At that time it still belonged to Ulvila. Since the incorporation in 1941 Toejoki and its school belong to the city of Pori. The oldest of the school buildings has been built in 1937 and the newest ones in 1980 and 1981.

There are 285 students and 18 teachers in Toejoki School. The staff also includes three educational assistants, student welfare personnel, a school nurse, a school secretary and the canteen staff. The mission of our school is to offer its students the best possible education, to raise, teach and guide its students to become capable of development in knowledge, skills and socializing.