Park project


The goal of this project is to learn about biology by going outside, studying nature, working in a group and collecting information. This means that the students of the class create their learning material themselves. At the same time, they will gain hands-on experience about the environment around them and learn to work in a group.
The project can be completed in various different ways. You can complete the assignments one by one, or collect their answers into a single report. The final report can include text, pictures, videos, interviews, the results of group assignments, etc. 

The goals of this project are that you learn to:
  • observe and study the world around you.
  • classify living organisms in a biological manner.
  • ask questions about the world around you.
  • find areas of biology that interest you.
  • take the opinions of others into consideration.
  • work in a group.

What is a park?

Form small groups and complete the following assignments.
  • Define what parks are. What are parks like? What do they contain? Are there parks near your school?
  • Read about the different parts of a city.  What other kinds of areas can you find in your home town?

Park excursion

Before going out into the park, think about the following questions:
  • How do you move safely outside? What should you do? What should you not do?
  • How should you take other people, plants and animals into consideration? What should you not do?
  • The goal of the excursion is to study the park and collect information and materials about its living organisms. What kinds of things should you take with you?
During the excursion, you can focus on one of the following subjects. 
  • Plants.
  • Animals.
  • Human activity in the park.
  • Cleanliness.
  • The significance of the park for people and other organisms. 
Data about these subjects can be collected in the following ways:
  • Taking pictures.
  • Writing notes.
  • Collecting samples.
  • Conducting interviews with other people.

Identifying plants

Classify and identify the plants you found on the park excursion.

You can use the chapter on plants or other websites as your sources of information.

In small groups, make presentations on the plants you have identified.
Find further information about the plants you have found, such as:
  • their distinguishing characteristics
  • their distribution
  • their reproduction
  • their significance
  • their uses for humans.

Park animals

Make a large poster or a computer presentation about park animals. Your presentation should include photographs of park animals, their names, and some important facts about them. 

The textbook has separate chapters for different kinds of park animals:

The significance of parks

This assignment should be done in small groups. 
  • Find out how parks are used at different times of the year. Interview other people or search the internet for information.
  • What kinds of different areas do parks have? What are their uses and significance?
The findings can be collected together in various ways:
  • Based on your findings, write blog entries about the significance of parks. 
  • Discuss your findings together in class.