e-test (Combustion and heat)

1. Combustion (6 p)

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

a) What takes place during a combustion reaction? (3 p)

b) What are the four requirements of combustion? (3 p)

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

2. Heat from nuclear reactions (6 p)

Draw a picture that explains how fission and fusion reactions differ from one another.

You can return the drawing to the submission folder below.
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3. Electricity, heating and fire safety (8 p)

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

1. What material are thermal resistors made of?

2. Which of the following devices contains a thermal resistor?

3. What causes the thermal resistor of an electric oven to heat up?

4. What is the name of the device that regulates the function of a thermal resistor?

5. Which of the following materials is a fossil fuel?

6. What is a material that prevents heat from conducting to the environment called?

7. How does heat move from a central heating unit to the rooms of a building?

8. What should you do to put out a fire in the kitchen?

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