Lesson 2.

Review last time:

1. Draw a square.
2. Draw a circle: You can use code:

3. Make art with code below:

4. Answer questions 1 and 2 at your worksheet.

New lesson:

Today we learn how to make character move. This is very useful if we want to make our own game (and we really do!)

1. Choose one sprite that you like. 
2. Change size of this sprite to 50.
3. Choose backround for your sprite.
4. Make a code that makes your sprite move. Code is below.

4. Make your sprite jump when you press space bar. Code is below.

5. Answer questions 3 and 4 at your worksheet.

Gold level:

1. Make your sprite to speak.
2. Make your sprite to change costume.
3. Make your sprite to change size.
4. Add another sprite and make them have a conversation

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