8th grade extras

UNIT 1-2 Australia - the land down under 


1. Rabbit proof fence 

- Read or listen the story of two girls who walked 1600 km across Western Australia to reach their families. Textbook page 46-47, 
- Watch a video about their journey: 

2. Nature: Pick one Australian animal and make a presentation about it in English - make a poster or a Prezi/Powerpoint.

3. History:
Find out what is Sorry Day and why it is celebrated in Australia. 
4. Writing & vocabulary: Online task using EF Class website: Australia Day. 
- Grab a laptop and go to http://class.ef.com/. Create an account using your O365 user name and password (etunimi.sukunimi@edu.kotka.fi + sama salasana kuin koulun koneelle). Ask the teacher for the class code so that you can join the online lesson :).

Unit 4-5 New Zealand

Choose one task. Make a presentation or write in your notebook.

1. Study the history of the Maori people and how they live today.
2. Study the lives of whales, including the effect of the whaling industry on the species.
3. Study the Maori art of tattoo and body art. TB 102-103
4. Study myths that explain the origin and existence of a people. Show in your presentation the great variety found in the various myths and make clear what each myth attempts to explain. Review at least five different creation myths. For example WB p. 104 Maui and the sun
5. Study the Maori rites of passage (siirtymäriitti). What kind of rites of passage do you have in Finland? Maori rites of passage

U5-U6 New York calling!

Congratulations! You have won a trip to New York with your friend!
Work with your parter or in a team of three.
1. Take out your headphones and listen to a song and fill in the missing lyrics! Paloma Faith: New York

2. Click the Power Point file and start working on your travel plan to New York! Työskennelkää pareittain tai kolmen hengen ryhmässä. Tehkää työ O365 ympäristössä = Power Point tai Sway.

New York_plan a trip.pptx

Don't kill the whale



1. Have a look at the picture: what comes to your mind when you look at the picture? Write down at least 5-10 things to your notebook in English: verbs, adjectives, nouns, anything! 
*Discuss with your partner for 2 minutes in English. 

2. Watch and listen the introduction video about Sea Shepherd organization: 


3. Have a look at the Sea Shepherd Society web page
. First, think of what the web page is about in your opinion – have a look at the pictures too. http://www.seashepherd.org/
Then, answer these questions to your notebook:

  1. What is the goal of this organization? (Read Who we are – Mission statement)
  2. What does the name Sea Shepherd mean in your opinion? How would you translate it into Finnish?
  3. What kind of measures (keinoja) does Sea Shepherd use when protecting marine life? 
  4. What other environmental organizations (luonnonsuojelujärjestö) do you know?
  5. How can you protect the environment? For example, think about the things you buy, eat and how you move from one place to another.
  6. The sea has a huge impact on human well-being. What do you know about the condition of the Baltic Sea? What are the biggest threats to the Baltic sea at the moment?
  7. Why should we protect the Baltic Sea? What can you do to save the oceans?

Street art in Northern Ireland and Irish legends

1. Napsauta linkkiä ja katso video. Vastaa sen jälkeen sivustolta löytyviin kysymyksiin.



Katso video ja vastaa englanniksi kysymyksiin. Vihkoon.

1. What do you think was interesting about the video?
2. What was new information for you
3. Would you like to visit Ireland? Why or why not?
4. What kind of legends do Irish people have?
5. What can you find at the end of the rainbow?

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