TENTTI 19.2.24

Tehtävämonisteiden oikeat vastaukset



  1. Käännä seuraavat lauseet englanniksi.

Sarah’s hat is on the table.

Dad’s car is outside.

John’s apartment is spacious.

Is this book Emma’s or does it belong to Alex?

I met Tanner’s friend at a/the party.

The city of Paris is always so impressive.

  1. Lisää puuttuvat sanat genetiivimuodossa.

The dog wagged its tail happily.

The politician’s speech resonated with the audience.

Madonna’s album Like a Virgin was very successful. 

Albert Einstein’s inventions changed science forever. 

Is he sitting in the back seat of the car? 

Olivia’s friends are not coming over. 

The CEO's decision reshaped the company's future. 

Was Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer any good? 

The director of the movie seemed happy with the results. 

The diplomat of Fiji would like to meet the president. 



1. Käännä lauseet.

  • Kakku leivottiin/oli leivottu Alicen toimesta. / Alice leipoi kakun. (aktiivi)
  • Talo rakennettiin 1800-luvulla.
  • Uutta ostoskeskusta rakennetaan juuri nyt.
  • Kirje vastaanotettiin Amelian toimesta / Amelia vastaanotti kirjeen. (aktiivi)
  • Elokuva kuvataan Uudessa-Seelannissa.
  • The car was fixed yesterday.
  • The painting was hung on the wall. 
  • I have been told that it is dangerous here.
  • The decision will be made once we know more.

2. Merkkaa, mitkä lauseet ovat aktiivimuodossa ja mitkä passiivimuodossa.

  • The letter was written by Sarah. P
  • They are discussing the project. A
  • Has the contract been signed? P
  • He was awarded a scholarship. P
  • They are watching a movie. A
  • The cake was baked by my grandmother. P
  • Did you watch the game last night? A
  • Alice and Joy were seen together yesterday. P
  • Are the police on their way? A

3. Lisää annettu verbi passiivissa oikeassa muodossa.
1. were lost
2. will be written
3. is being baked/is baked
4. was attended
5. was broken

4. Tee aktiivilauseista passiivilauseita.

The door was opened by them.

You will be given the book by her tomorrow.

A new bridge is being built (by them).

The kitchen has already been cleaned by someone.

The roof of the house was damaged by the storm.


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