En10 Pt

ENA10.1 2023-2024 harjoituskirjoitelma

Kirjoita 700-1300 merkkiä yhdestä alla olevista aiheista. Merkitse merkkimäärä loppuun. Palautus linkkinä 20.5.2024 mennessä - muista antaa opettajalle muokkausoikeus dokumenttiisi.

1. The best day of my life

Describe the best day of your life so far. What made it so special?

2. Facts about Finland

Write a blog posting about Finland to people who are planning to move here from other countries. You can choose to talk about the positives or the negatives or both. You can be serious or you can be humorous, but try to give some useful tips in any case.

3. Long lost friends

You have come across an old friend of yours on social media. You haven’t seen your friend in years since he/she moved away to another city, so you have a lot to tell to your friend. Write a message where you tell your friend what has happened to you during these years and ask your friend about his/her life and future plans.
  • Palauta linkki

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