Kansainvälinen toiminta


Minna Canthin koulun kansainvälisessä toiminnassa on perinteenä pitkäaikainen yhteistyö saksalaisen koulun (OHZ-IGS) kanssa. Yhteistyö näkyy kahdeksasluokkalaisten oppilasvaihtona ja mahdollisuutena suorittaa yhdeksännen luokan työelämään tutustuminen Saksassa. Saksa-vaihdon vierailu Saksaan on yleensä toteutettu syyskuussa ja vastavierailu Suomessa helmikuussa. Toiminnassa oli liikkuvuuksien osalta katkosvuosi lukuvuonna 2020-2021. Yhteistyötä pyritään jatkamaan valmistelemalla lukuvuonna 2021-2022 toteutettavaa seuraavan ikäluokan vaihto-ohjelmaa muutetulla aikataululla. 

Matkakertomuksia menneiltä vuosilta



With this project „Bridges“ we want to foster the skills every student needs for being wellprepared for the time at and after school by using New Media. We will cooperate with our partners for innovation and exchange of good practices. In a world of digitization many students have a lack of interest in doing sport, knowing about the content and different opportunities of leading a healthy life and motivating themselves. So we want 15 - 17 year old students to get the possibility to exchange ideas, compare and learn. Students will be supported in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences such as digital competence, personal social and learning competence, literacy and languages, science, civic competence and cultural awareness. 

This project is conducted with six schools from various parts of Europe: Germany, France: Martinique & La Reunion, Finland, Portugal (Pico Island) and Iceland.  


Our project plans on educating our pupils about their own and other partners’ local nature, their regional ecosystems, and the problems and issues facing their regions with the intention of finding out feasible ways of protecting nature. Through several activities, our pupils develop good environmental practices which will make them responsible citizens who appreciate, respect, and take an active role in preserving nature in their local region and in the whole of Europe. Both the contribution to the ecosystem and the role in natural balance to the economies of countries of biodiversity is very important.
This project is divided into 6 activity blocks: 
1.Uniqueness of Finnish nature 
2.The global effects on the planet of climate change 
3.Everyday Environmental acts. 
4.The ecological footprint of our country. 
5.Uniqueness of Icelandic nature 
6.Wise choices for a sustainable “euro-eco-life” 

The participant schools in this project are: Minna Canth, Kuopio (coordinator), Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia), Kopavogur (Iceland), Badajoz (Spain), Czestochowa (Poland), Volos (Greece) 

Cycling Your Channels to Learn about Europe


The general objective of the project is to value the European cultural heritage and take on responsibility for a better Europe as far as sustainability is concerned. We want to value the importance of water in our lives and the origins of the channels that are all over Europe and on the other hand, to promote the use of the bicycle, along Eurovelo routes, to know the heritage of Europe and as a sustainable way of transport  

The participant schools in this project are: Palencia (Spain) who coordinates, Kuopio (Finland), Aalst (Belgium) and Stancuta ( Romania)


For Dynamic Mathematics: STEM


Each partner school will plan and implement the activities that it should do locally in agreement with other partners. In general, we will act with the understanding of constant communication and sharing with our partners. It is the responsibility of each partner school to ensure that the results of the project activities and their impact become locally widespread to maximize their impact. Italy will be responsible for editing and running the project's web page. It will create all social media environments related to the project. In addition, it will prepare a stem lesson plan on computer and data modeling and present it to partners. Lithuania will create and present a stem lesson plan, especially on health and environmental issues. In addition, it will plan and present the first day activities to the host country in order for students to meet each other in all activities, to maximize their intercultural communication skills, and to improve their language skills.  

The participant schools in this project are:Minna Canth, Kuopio (coordinator), Volos (Greece), Rome (Italy), Silale (Lithuania), Antalya (Turkey), Madrid (Spain)