Singular or plural 2

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Yksikkö vai monikko. Täydennä seuraaviin lauseisiin is / are tai it / they / them.
1. Maths one of my favourite subjects at school.
2. Physics, however, much more difficult for me.
3. I’ve got new shades. Do you like ?
4. The surroundings here a bit too quiet for my taste.
5. Aerobics great fun - you should try some time!
6. I believe warm thanks in order here. The course was so well organized.
7. He’s bought a new pair of trousers. seem a bit too tight for him though.
8. The police at the door. Who are looking for?
9. Your pyjamas in the wash. looked dirty and you cannot wear for the night.
10. American politics sometimes difficult for foreigners to follow. Perhaps we could try to learn more about .
11. The United Nations working to help the earthquake victims. is sending relief supplies to the area.
12. The wedding of Anne and George in St.Paul’s Cathedral.
13. It’s springtime and the cattle taken out to the fields. It’s again lovely to see there.
14. The audience now sitting quiet as mice since the conductor advised at the beginning of the concert.
15. If the ladder not leaning against the wall, look for in the garage!
16. This equipment good but a few more pieces of equipment much better and would help us further!
17. The family in the lounge watching football on TV.
18. We are SO happy and the spirits here high as a kite in the sky!
19. My summer job earnings higher this year and I got already in July.

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen