ENA04 Tuulikki Peteri

Course 4

Course 4 offers you material dealing with different phenomena in society - modern-day heroes, the law, active citizens, different religions, intercultural communication and human rights. You will also look at the way media impacts our lives, and how to read media messages with a critical eye.


1st period 

week 32 of 2018 Aug 9 – Aug 10

week 33 of 2018 Aug 13 – Aug 17
Unit 1 
Topic 1
Topic 2


word test

Modal verbs

week 34 of 2018 Aug 20 – Aug 24

Topic 3


word test

week 35 of 2018 Aug 27 – Aug 31

Unit 2
Topic 5
Unit 3 
Topic 9



word test

Expressions of quantity

week 36 of 2018 Sep 3 – Sep 7

Topic 11


word test
Nationality words
Verbs + prepositions

week 37 of 2018 Sep 10 - Sep 14

Unit 4
Topic 13


word test

 Verbs which usually ...

week 38 of 2018 Sep 17 - Sep 20

Topic 14
Topic 15

Exam week 

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