In English

Tikka School

The history of our school

In the 1940s, a new village was named Tikka. The area that previously had consisted of the fields of Tikkala, was soon inhabited by about thirty families. By that time, there were only family houses, a shop, and a highway. There lived about one hundred children in the village and they attended school in the Ristonmaa house and in a ski lodge that was rented from the Schauman family. Both locations were very crowded with all the children. Finally, the building of the school for the children in the village was started in 1948. The great plot where the school was built was donated by the Schauman family. The new elementary school that was designed by Elsi Borg was inaugurated. Tikka formed its own school district, and as the village expanded, Tikka school was integrated into the school system of the city. It continued as a three-grade village school.

The wave of the building expanded the Kuokkala area in 1982. The growth of the number of children set their own challenges to the school. There was not enough space for all the kids to study. The situation was handled first by using other available spaces (such as teacher apartments) and by renting rooms from other providers.

In 1986, a temporary teaching space was created out of barracks next to the school building.

At the beginning of June, in 2001, the expansion of the school building was started. The temporary space was demolished to give space to the new school. The constructions were ready by the start of the autumn-term next year.

The 12th of August 2002 is remembered as a historic day for our school. On that day, our pupils stepped into the renovated and expanded Tikka school for the first time.

The construction was designed by architect Tommi Luukkonen. Even today, we are very proud of our school.