STEP 5: Language-Oriented Multidisciplinary Learning Module

Language-Oriented Multidisciplinary Learning Module

The Language-Oriented Multidisciplinary Learning Module course introduces students to language learning and teaching in theory and practice. In planning and implementing a language-oriented multidisciplinary learning module, students consider how multidisciplinary learning can support the objectives of language learning and how the linguistic perspective can support understanding and learning of the phenomenon at the core of the multidisciplinary learning module.

During the theoretical part, students reflect on their own language learning pathway and their future role as a language teacher, also from the perspective that every teacher is also a language teacher. In addition, students consider their own relationship with foreign language teaching.

Course objectives:

 After completing the course, the student:

  • Understands the basics of child language development and the pedagogy of language teaching, especially from the point of view of early foreign language learning and the second national language;

  • Understands the importance of languages in achieving the general and broad (cross-curricular) objectives of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education [perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman yleiset ja laaja-alaiset tavoitteet];

  • Is able to plan, implement and evaluate a language-oriented multidisciplinary learning module in the school context;

  • Is able to work constructively in cooperation with student colleagues and school staff; and

  • Takes responsibility for their own and others’ learning and is able to reflect on their own learning; käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä