Participating teacher´s responsibilities

Phases of the project from the teacher´s point of view:

1) All the participants will sign a written agreement where all the practical issues are being presented.

2) They will set individual aims before the journey, these aims they will monitor in their final report.

3) ETwinning, blogsite or skype will be used before the event: teachers will introduce themselves and they can start discussing their topics even before the actual event.

4) All travelling arrangement they will do by themselves, in job shadow the host will also help. Also all the payments must be done by the teacher and they will get their costs afterwards. Sanna helps with these practical issues.

5) During the job shadow/language course they will keep a blogsite and a personal daily diary (it´s then easier to write the final report).

6) After their journey they:
- will keep a presentation to all other teachers,
- will have a group feedback disscussion with the key-group and
- will answer a questionnaire about all their experiences and thoughts.
- will write a final repot in which they will report what they did during their journey and reflect, analyse and consider different issues and how they could meet their personal aims, did their expectations fullfilled.

7) All the participants will get a formal certificate for their job shadow or language course which they can attach in their personal CV or Europass.