Course outline

Themes to cover:

1. Studying from preschool to present-day studies at upper secondary (theme words on formal & informal language)
2. Further studies and studying abroad (theme words on education)
3. Financing studies & life in general & economy (theme words)
4. Working life (applying, job interviews, the characteristics of different fields of work) & entrepreneurship (theme words on work)


The infinitive and the -ing form, the interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite pronouns, some more adjective-prepositions compounds

Here's what your grade will consist of:

1. The test: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, vocabulary and structures
  • topics/texts 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 13 AND all the grammar: the infinitive and the -ing form, the interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite pronouns, some more adjective-prepositions compounds
2. The compositions you write
3. The job application and job interview


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