Have a nice Thursday!

Thursday's list for you

Tarinankirjoitus! Katso ohje sivupalkista! T: Iris ope

5th graders Teams at 9.15!

Maths 6th
We will carry on with the water theme. Please do exercises on pages 186-187. Again, I have attached the Finnish translations here.

Maths 5th
Today you'll have revision route, which means that there is no new theory. Simply calculate the exercises on pages 184-185.

English 5th
Let's carry on with chapter 15. Meet me in Teams at 9.15!

Svenska 6
Teams klockan 11!

6th grade Crafts (Simo)

Find out what kind of tools do you have at home or at your summer cottage that can be used for working with hard materials, such as wood or metal, and send a picture to the return folder.
You can also mention what tools you've used and did you need adult supervision while doing so.

Selvitä millaisia työkaluja kotoasi tai vaikkapa mökiltä löytyy, joita voi käyttää kovien materiaalien, kuten puun tai metallin, työstämiseen ja lähetä kuva palautuskansioon.
Voit myös mainita, että mitä työkaluja olet käyttänyt ja oletko tarvinnut aikuisen valvontaa.

5th grade crafts (Krista)

Many things and ideas, of which you can choose from! In any case, send me a message/picture what you did today. My phone number 050 557 2157 or pedanet return box above!

Option A ) Weaving!

About weaving in Finnish in this article (if you need some additional help that my video does not contain). Also an idea for you to do!

My video is long, and I am speaking what ever like usual, but I hope this helps you at least some. :) My editing skills do not allow me to edit my mumbling any more... If it's too slow for you, try changing the video speed :D Not too fast!

Normally I would show you here and help, so I know it's harder to do this at home. If it really is too hard, don't be too harsh on yourself.

Option B) Insect hotel!

One request from a 3rd grader's family. Build an insect hotel! Here are some links to get to know the idea. If you have the materials and can build with someone, go on! If not, you can try to do an easy one out of cardboard and nature materials. It's not yet too late for this year's use, but you can also start the project now and the insects of next year will thank you ;)

Pelasta pörriäinen -kampanja

Marttojen ohje

Partiolaisten ohje

Ylen ohje

Oppilaan työ: https://peda.net/id/aa25f69e8e8

Option C)

Do your own dream catcher! You need at least a wooden circle / a big peace of sturdy cardboard and thread, also some decorations if you'd like. Remember, it doesn't have to look exactly like in the video!

Tee oma unisieppari! Tarvitset ainakin puisen renkaan tai suuren palan vahvaa pahvia, sekä lankaa. Muut koristeet ovat vapaaehtoisia. Muista, ei tarvitse tulla samanlaista kuin videolla!

Option D)
Do you have broken clothes that you can fix by sewing? Find out and fix them!

Option E)

Watch the next episode that you have not seen of Verta, hikeä ja t-paitoja from Yle Areena. Send me a message what you thought about the episode.

Peda.net käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. Peda.net ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä