Have a nice Tuesday!

Today's programme

5th and 6th graders Teams at 9.15 (history)

Religion 5-6
Hello! You will have exam of religion next Tuesday. You are allowed to use the book, but I suggest that you start to prepare for it. The questions will be from pages 8-102, but you don't need to find small information, but instead see the bigger picture.

English 5-6
Since we've missed so many normal English lessons because of theme Thursdays and Wappu and whatnots. Today, we will carry on with the normal book work!
5th and 6th graders, you will have English exam next Thursday!

6th graders, you can start to study chapter 15 at your own pace. I will arrange us Teams meeting for tomorrow, so that we can check the most important things together. (This includes the of-genitive, that is explained in chapter 15).
5th graders, you can also start to study chapter 15 at your own pace. I will arrange us a Teams meeting for Thursday, where I will explain the past tense to you in detail!

Env. Studies 5-6
Remember that you need to return the African country presentation for tomorrow. Tomorrow you will also get to do the Karttataitokoe Afrikka (map exam on Africa). But before that, today we will learn new things about Asia. Here are today's notes:
Let's read pages 182-185 and do exercises on pages 119-121. Again, here is the translation.
1. Name the Asian mountains and peninsulas.
2. Connect to the right vegetation areas. (tundra, coniferous forest, monsoon forest, mountain vegetation, steppes, deciduous forest, rain forest and desert)

  • Much of the area has been cleared into fields long ago.
  • In central Asia, lots of snow-capped mountains.
  • The climate is hot and moist.
  • Monsoon winds bring rainy summer.
  • Only low vegetation, such as lichen and grass.
  • Also called taiga.
  • Used as pasture.
  • Almost a plant-free area.

3. Name the seasons.
4. Tea production.
a. tell about the phases of tea production
b. what is your favourite tea?
5. You are preparing to climb to the top of Mount Everest.
Find out
a. how do you train before you leave?
b. what essential equipment do you need to bring with you?
c. what are the biggest dangers of the trip?

History 5-6
Today we will discuss about the French Revolution. It started exactly 231 years ago today!

Let's meet in Teams at 9.15!
Your homework is to answer to these questions:

1. Why did the French Revolution happen in 1789? Miksi Ranskassa syttyi vallankumous 1789?
2. Why is the storming of the Bastille an important event? Miksi Bastiljin valtaus on tärkeä tapahtuma?
3. Who were the third estate? Keistä kolmas sääty koostui?

Music 5-6
I found this online program, that can help you to learn songs. Why not test it and see if it could help you with learning! :)
Notice, that only some of the songs are free!