Distance teaching checklist

Distance teaching checklist

Creating user accounts for the teacher and the students

I or my students do not have a Peda.net acccount. What do I do?

Creating a course/class/subject page and adding content to it

How to create a page for teaching use under the municipality/organization page?

  • To use Peda.net for teaching, all you need is a page where you have the administrator role. If your municipality or educational establishment already has a Peda.net membership, you can find its Peda.net page from the alphabetical list on the front page (https://peda.net). The IT help desk of your educational establishment can create you a page under the educational establishment's page and give you administrator rights to it. If you are already an administrator on your educational establishment's Peda.net page, you can create a new page by following the steps found in the "Tools" section of the Peda.net instructions. When you create a page as an administrator, you will be automatically given administrator rights to it. A course, class or subject page can also be created in your profile's personal workspace, in which case you do not need additional administrator rights.

How to add content to a page?

  • You can add content to a page by accessing edit mode by clicking the green "Show actions" button on the top of the page and selecting one of the tools found in the "Create content" section. For more detailed instructions about the various tools available on the platform, see the "Tools" section of the Peda.net instructions. 

Adding students to a page

How to add students to a page?

  • Students can be added to a class, course or subject page by adhering to the following steps:
    1. In order to be added as to a class or course page as a participant, the student must first create a Peda.net user account at https://peda.net/:register. Please note that persons under the age of 13 need permission from their parent/guardian in order to register to Peda.net.
    2. After the student has created a Peda.net account, the teacher or administrator of the class/course page can add them to the page as a participant by following these steps:
    • The teacher/administrator opens the class/course page to which they want the student to be added as a participant.
    • The teacher/administrator accesses the page’s publicity settings by clicking on the “Permissions” button.
    • Under the “Use access” tab, the teacher/administrator clicks on the “Join to page request settings” button.
    • The teacher/administrator selects the option that reads "Join request to page requires only a key", sets a key word (e.g. “carrot”) and clicks save.
    3. The student logs in to Peda.net and accesses the class/course page by entering the key word. The teacher can make navigating to the class/course page easier by sharing a link to the page with their students via email or the school’s student administration platform.

    N.B! A quick and easy way to add students as participants to a page is to use a group code.

What does the student have to do in order to join a page?

  • 1. After logging in to Peda.net, the student has to access the class/course page (either via a direct link or the teacher's instructions). 
    2. As the student opens the class/course page, they are asked for the key word set by the teacher. 
    3. After the student enters the key word, they join the page as a user. The key word must be entered only once. 
    4. The student can create a quick link to the class/course page by clicking on the star shaped "Subscribe" button and clicking "Save" on the following page. The quick link is now shown in the student's profile. This makes it easy for the student to access the class/course.

Submitting tasks for evaluation via the submission folder

How to submit tasks to a submission folder?

  • The "Submission folder" tool is useful for collecting students' answers to various tasks and exercises. After the teacher has created a submission folder to the class/course page, students can submit their answers to the folder either as files, text entries or links. For further information about submission folders and other exercise tools, see the "Tools" section of the Peda.net instructions.

How does the teacher see and evaluate the student's responses?

  • When the student has submitted their answers to a task, the teacher can examine it by clicking on the "Responses" button under the module's title. The teacher will be directed to a page that displays the responses of all students. If the tasks are to be evaluated, this can be done by clicking the names of individual users or by clicking on "Summary" and adding evaluations from there. The evaluation can be given either as a grade or as a written assessment.