Lesson plans

Monday, 21 Jan

Today's agenda:

1. Test, part 2

2. Finishing the slideshow on your dream holiday (hand it in!)

3. Homework for Wednesday: Do exercises 14A & 14B (p.133). Study text "From Brighton with Love" (p.134-136). Do exercise 14C (p.138) after studying the text.

Monday, Dec 3

Today’s agenda:

1. Warm-up in groups of three-four
- think of a game you have played
- explain what you need to play the game and how you play it
- the others have to try to guess the game

2. Pronunciation practice
- wordlist -> repeat
- read through the txt in pairs/groups

3. Checking the reading comprehension exercises

4. Spoken exercises


Thursday, 17 Jan

Today’s agenda:

Vocabulary revision - quizlet.live:

1. Checking the homework from yesterday: 9I and 9L

2. Revising the pronouns, p.170-174 (checking exercises G15, G16, G17)

3. Finishing the dream holiday slideshow

Homework: revision for the test on Monday

Wednesday, 9 Jan

Today's agenda:

1. Women and sport
- do exercise 6B as a warm-up (p.65): list male and female athletes & their sport -> discussion
- check: 6A
- pronunciation practice: wordlist, p.68
- listen up: "Women in sport", p.66-67
- read through the text out loud
- compare your and your partner's answers in exercise 6C
- check: 6C

2. Three-minute debates in groups of four:
- choose one motion at a time from the list on p.73
- choose which two are for the motion and which two are against it
- take 5 minutes to write down arguments for or against the motion
- start the debate, following the order on p.73
- take time (3 minutes)

3. Exercise 6H with prepositions
- read through the text in pairs and fill in the missing prepositions

Homework: 6D, 6E, 6G, 6H & vocabulary revision

Wednesday, Dec 12

Today's agenda:

1. Checking the passive exercises in the grammar section (G3, G4, G5 & G6)

2. Theme vocabulary: freetime activities and winter sports
(- Checking the exercises using the Minikey on sanomapro.fi)
- Quizlet LIVE: https://quizlet.com/_3wullv
- Making a sports holiday itinerary in teams of 4-5 and sharing it on the following Padlet:

3. Getting started with the next grammar topic - watch the two grammar videos:
- there: https://youtu.be/ZxETBXcGiQc
- it: https://youtu.be/rzBAcY83jSg JA https://youtu.be/KrP7WxyjC24
- tai sitten voit lukea asiasta kirjastasi s. 165 alkaen (asia käydään yhdessä läpi torstaina)

Homework: revising the words for the vocabulary test

Wednesday, Dec 5

Today's agenda:

1. A round of Quizlet with the words from Playtime

2. Vocabulary test Playtime (SanomaPro, Kompassi)

3. Theme vocabulary Freetime activities and winter sports
- do all the exercises on pages 33-36 either alone or in pairs
- check the exertcises on sanomapro.fi -> Minikey

4. Getting started with the grammar - watch this video on the passive voice: 

Homework: the grammar video and exercises G1 and G2 in your books & the theme vocabulary -> vocabulary test next Wednesday

Monday, 11 Feb

Today's agenda:

1. Revising the main content of the text and checking homework
- the text: listen to the text in bits and summarise the main content of each bit in Finnish
- the exercises (2c - 2e): read out loud in pairs, compare your answers & check

2. Vocabulary revision on quizlet.live: https://quizlet.com/_3wuli4

3. Dictation, spelling and translation: exercise 2F (p.28)

4. Tic-tac-toe in pairs: exercise 2I (p.30)

Homework: revise Playtime and study the bit about freetime activities and winter sports (pages 34 - 36, including the exercises)

Vocabulary test on Thursday

Monday, 14 Jan

Today's agenda:

1. Going through exercises G19 & G20 (p.180), (reading through pages 181-182,) and going through exercises G21, G23, G24 (p.183-184)

2. Pronunciation practice: pages 76-77

3. Getting started with the theme of travelling: exercise 9A - discuss the questions

4. In groups of 2-4, play the online game "Route 66" (go to sanomapro.fi -> työtila ENA02.h -> On Track 2 opiskelijan aineisto -> Game: Route 66)

5. Listen: Travel advice

Homework: Study "Travel advice", do exercise 9C, 9D, 9E, and 9F. In addition, do the rest of the article-related exercises.

Monday, 18 Feb

Today's agenda:

1. Revising the passive voice - kahoot!

2. Tandem writing

3. Sports - getting the spoken assignment started

Homework: study pages 165 - 167 and do the exercises (intro, G10 & G11) therein.

Vocabulary test "Freetime activities and winter sports" on Thursday: https://quizlet.com/_3wullv

Thu, 21 Feb

Today's agenda:

1. Vocabulary test & checking

2. Women in sports
- tuning in: info box - sport or sports & listing all the male and female athletes (answer the questions) & personal dictionary
- pronunciation practice - repeat the words
- listen to the text
- read through the text & do exercises 6C, 6D, 6E

- Restudy "Women in sport" and do exercises 6C - 6E
- Remember to do the summary for the spoken assignment for Monday

Thu, 7 Feb

Today's agenda:

1. Going through the course info, your current skills and your course goals (hand them in)

2. The precourse stuff about hobbies, entertainment, free time, social life -> p.6 -> talk!

3. The topic of playing games
- 2a as a warm-up exercise
- describe a game that you play/have played, explaining its rules etc. to your partner -> your partner tries to guess the game
- 2b - guess the meanings of the words
- listen and repeat: the wordlist (p.24)
- listen: Playtime

Homework: listen to text 2 "Playtime" (p. 21 - 23) on sanomapro.fi (group: ENA02.g (4. jakso 2019), key: E3EN -> opiskelijan äänitiedostot), do exercises 2c, 2d & 2e (pages 25 - 27)

Thursday, 10 Jan

Today's agenda:

1. Checking some of the homework together (the translation exercise)
- check the rest on sanompro.fi (Minikey)

2. Vocabulary revision on Quizlet LIVE: https://quizlet.com/_40ddpt
- Go to: quizlet.live and insert the code you see

3. Grammar - articles
- listen and learn
- if you don't feel like listening, turn to the exercises in your book, starting from page 175

- the rest of the articles-related exercises in the book
- tune into the next grammar topic (personal pronouns) by watching the following short videos on Youtube:
Persoonapronominien subjekti- ja objektimuodot: https://youtu.be/W-Udqmg6nCU?t=52
Omistuspronominit: https://youtu.be/obgsPU76rLE
Refleksiivipronominit ("itse"): https://youtu.be/q9zPv4HGGUY

Thursday, 28 Feb

Today's agenda:

1. Test, part 1 on sanomapro.fi -> Kompassi (your browser should be something other than Chrome)

2. After taking the test, check all the exercises you have done in the "Women in sport" section of your book

3. Check the grammar exercises in the pronouns section of your book (G 14 - G 17). If you haven't done the pronoun exercises, do them.

Homework: revise "Women and sports" and the personal pronouns

Tue, 19 Feb

Today's agenda:

(Homework from yesterday: study pages 165 - 167, and do the exercises (intro, G10 & G11) therein.
Vocabulary test "Freetime activities and winter sports" on Thursday: https://quizlet.com/_3wullv)

1. It/there - muodolliset subjektit
- slides
- exercises

2. Tuning into the topic of sports
- pages 48 - 49: identify the sport, talk about the sports, repeat the words, listen to the intro
- form groups of 3, divide the texts, start studying your text and making the summary for the spoken assignment
- the summary should be ready by Monday next week

Homework: vocabulary test "Freetime activities and winter sports"

Wednesday, 16 Jan

Today's agenda:

1. Repeat the words on p.88 - pronunciation practice

2. Listening to the text and summarising (in Finnish) after listening to each one of the reviews

3. Checking exercises 9D-F

4. Exercise 9G in pairs -> check it on sanomapro.fi (Minikey)

5. Exercise 9H, p.92, as warm-up for the project

6. Exercise 9N (dream holiday project)
- plan a dream holiday for you and your friend and/or partner
- 2 people, a budget of 1300€ for the flights and hotel and activities
- make a slideshow (=your itinerary for the trip, including the actual flights, the hotel, the sights you are planning to see)

Homework: 9I and 9L AND the pronouns, p.170-174 (exercises G15, G16, G17).

Monday, 11 Mar - Team grammar task (coincides with the spoken assignment)

Vastaa seuraaviin kysymyksiin, anna pyydetyt esimerkit ja postaa sekä vastauksen kysymyksiin, että pyydetyt esimerkit linkin kautta avautuvaan padletiin. Paras postaus palkitaan!
  • Uusi postaus tuplaklikkauksella tai plus-merkistä, kirjoita postauksen otsikkoriville tehtävän tehneiden opiskelijoiden nimet
  • Postasin esimerkkipostauksen, jossa ei ole tietenkään vastauksia
  • Näette toisten ryhmien postaukset vasta, kun minä padletin moderaattorina "hyväksyn" ne
  • Team Grammar Padlet

Apua tehtäviin kirjan kielioppisivuilta aiheesta "yksikkö ja monikko" sekä "omistusmuodot", sivulta 189 alkaen.

1. Mihin kirjaimiin päättyvät substantiivit saavat monikossa s:n eteen vielä ylimääräisen e-kirjaimen?
2. Milloin substantiivin lopussa yksikkömuodossa oleva y muuttuu monikon s:n edellä ie:ksi? Anna esimerkki. Milloin y ei muutu ie:ksi? Anna esimerkki.
3. Milloin monikon pääte on -ves? Anna esimerkki? Onko tähän poikkeuksia? Jos on, mitkä sanat?
4. Kirjoita seuraavien sanojen monikot: a man, a mouse, a child, a phenomenon, a crisis, a Chinese, a person
5. Anna esimerkkeja (3-5) sanoista, joiden yksikkö ja monikko ovat samannäköiset
6. Bonus! (tähän ei kirjasta vastausta -> etsi netistä) Mikä on sanojen "equipment", "luggage", "news" ja "advice" monikko? Muodosta yksi lause, jossa joku edellä olevista on yksikössä ja sitten lause, jossa sanot esim. "kolme neuvoa"
7. Bonus! (etsi vastaus netistä) Muodosta lause, jossa "the police" on tekijänä (esim. "Poliisi oli siellä." tai "Poliisi on jo tutkinut rikosta."). Onko se yksikkö vai monikko? Mitä tämä tarkoittaa verbin suhteen?

8. Kuka on "omistajana", kun käytetään s-genetiiviä? Anna esimerkit.
9. Käännä englanniksi: Miesten vaatteet. Poikien lelut. Herra Jonesin auto.
10. Anna pari esimerkkiä of-genetiivin käytöstä (esim. kirjan ensimmäiset sivut)
11. Mitä pitää muistaa of-genetiivin sanajärjestyksestä verrattuna suomenkieleen? Anna esimerkki.
12. Käännä englanniksi (tuleeko s- tai of- genetiivi vai tuleeko genetiiviä ollenkaan?): Englannin laivasto, keittiön pöytä, auton avaimet


(In English, briefly (exchange students):
Post te answers to these grammar question on the padlet (link above)
1. When does a noun get the e in front of the plural s? Give examples.
2. When does the -y at the end of the noun turn into -ie before the plural s? Examples.
3. When does a noun's plural end with -ves? Examples.
4. Give the plurals of the following: a man, a mouse, a child, a phenomenon, a crisis, a Chinese, a person
5. Give examples of nouns that look the same in singular and plural
6. What is the plural of "equipment", "luggage", "news" ja "advice"? Make a sentence using one of the words in singular and the a sentence in plural.
7. Make a sentence using "the police" as the subject. Is it a singular or a plural? What does this mean when you think about the verb form?
8. Who is the "owner/proprietor" when we use the s possessive? Give examples.
9. Translate into English: Miesten vaatteet. Poikien lelut. Herra Jonesin auto.
10. Give a couple of examples of of possessive.
11. -
12. Try to translate into English (do you even need the possessive here?): Englannin laivasto, keittiön pöytä, auton avaimet)

Thu, 13 Feb

Today's agenda:

1. Vocabulary test and checking it (swap papers with your partner)

2. Tandem story
- groups of 4
- take a piece of paper each
- everyone starts their text with the following line: "I had just reached level 15 in the game that I had been playing for the past 24 hours when all of a sudden a hand reached out towards me through the computer screen and grabbed my shirt..."
- write for 5 minutes
- give your paper to the one on your left (who will then continue your story)
- continue writing the story of the one on your right (who has just given their paper to you)
- continue for as long as everyone in the group has contributed to everyone's story
- read through all the stories out loud
- choose the best story, write down the names of the contributors, and give it to the teacher

3. Revising the passive voice & doing some exercises

Homework: passive voice exercises

Thu, 24 Jan

Today's agenda:

1. 14A - going through some very British terms/phenomena

2. 14B - tackling some terms and practising your pronunciation

3. Listen: From Brighton with love

4. Listen: 14D, Philippe's story

5. Checking and discussing: exercise 14C & 14E

6. 14H & 14I

Health and physical well-being on Quizlet:

Homework: the grammar studied on Wednesday

Tue, 12 Feb

Today’s agenda:

1. Dividing the group in two. One group exits the room for 30 minutes, the other stays inside. Swap after 30 minutes.

Group outside classroom:
- Read through exercises 3A and 3B AND check your answers using the Minikey on sanomapro.fi
- Write a plan (with times for activities, sights, dinners etc) for a sports-packed two-day weekend holiday in Lapland AND hand it in (folder in the ”Various projects” section here on our course’s peda.net). Remember to name the ones who participated in making the plan.

The group inside the classroom:
- studying the passive voice
- grammar exercises
- some English only exercises here: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar/intermediate-grammar/passive-forms

2. Vocabulary revision for the vocabulary test - ask each other the most tricky words

Homework: vocabulary test on ”Playtime”

Tuesday, 19 Mar

Today’s agenda:

Revision/warm-up: Quizlet live

1. Getting ready for the trip - travelling simulation
- exercise 9H as a warm-up
- listening to a booking confirmation (9J)
- act out a phone call, confirming a reservation/booking

2. Writing a review

- write a 100-word review of our school and share it with your neighbour, remember to give reasons for the things you say about our school (the facilities, location, courses, teachers, fellow students...)

3. Tuning in - food around the world
- what are the weirdest foods you have tasted when travelling?
- what would you like to taste?
- what is the best Finnish food?
-> p.98 - 99: 10A, 10B, and 10C

Homework: text 10 "Hungry traveller": read through, do exercise B, C, D, E

Monday, 18 Mar

Today’s agenda:

1. Continuing with the theme of travelling - Route 66, the game, in pairs or in small groups

2. Discussion: do you read the reviews, or does your parent read the reviews of the hotels you are choosing from? If so, why? If not, what is your decision based on? Do you think the reviews are reliable or not? Why?

3. Hotel reviews - the text itself
- pronunciation practice (the wordlist)
- listen up
- compare your answers to the questions in exercise 9D
- go through the questions in exercise 9E

4. Getting ready for the trip - travelling simulation
- exercise 9H as a warm-up
- listening to a booking confirmation (9J)
- act out a phone call, confirming a reservation/booking

Homework: revision of the words, exercises G, I, and L

Thursday, 14 Mar

Today's agenda:

1. Vocabulary test and checking it

2. Articles test and going through it together

3. Getting started with the next theme - travelling
- 9A - discuss
- 9B - play the Route 66 game on sanomapro.fi -> see the instructions first!
- 9C - go through the words and find translations for them
- Listen to the text
- Do exercise 9D

Homework: Restudy text 9 "Travel advice", and do exercises 9C, 9D, 9E, and 9F