ENA4 / Haaksluoto / 6. jakso

Kurssiohjelma / ENA4 / Haaksluoto / 6. jakso

Töölön yhteiskoulun aikuislukio 2020 – 2021 / Period VI


Book: Elina Karapalo – Paula Keltto – Mark Kilmer – Päivi Kuusivaara – Teijo Päkkilä – Annukka Suonio: Insights Course 4 (Otava)

Room and Time: on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18.40 – 20.00 hours online on GoogleMeet or in class room 31 at school

Teacher: Erja H. Haaksluoto, erja.haaksluoto@tyk.fi

Available for consultation: on Tuesdays at 20.05 – 20.45 hours

= so-called KIELIKLINIKKA (except NOT during the exam weeks) 

online on GoogleMeet or in class room 31 at school

The grade on course 4
consists of the following parts:

  • written digital test, which includes the listening test(s), on Tuesday, June 1st, 2021, at 17.00 - 20.20 hours
  • home assignment (+)
  • activity during the lessons (+)

The digital test on June 1st, 2021 consists of the following parts:

1) GRAMMAR: 1) Modal Auxiliaries, 2) Indefinite Pronouns, 3) Relative Pronouns and Clauses, 4) Nationality Words
2) WORDS & VOCABULARY (sanastoa tunneilla käsitellyistä kappaleista)
3) RC (= Reading Comprehension = luetun ymmärtäminen)
4) YOUR OWN WRITING (= oma tuotos) of 700 – 1,300 characters

The exam will be delivered back to you digitally, but if there are any questions concerning the exam, they will be answered in Class Room 31 (if the pandemic is over) or digitally on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021, at 16.00 – 17.30 hours.

RETAKE EXAM: at 17.00 – 20.05 hours on Friday, September 3rd, 2021 = UUSINTAKOE, johon on ehdottomasti ilmoittauduttava etukäteen täyttämällä vaaleansininen lomake, jonka saa kansliasta, 2. krs. Lomake palautetaan kansliaan VIIMEISTÄÄN VIIKKOA ENNEN UUSINTAKOETTA eli viimeistään torstaina 27.8.2021. Uusintakoelomakkeesta on myös olemassa sähköinen lomake. Nettisivuilla on pdf, jonka voi suoraan täyttää ja lähettää liitetiedostona kansliaan. Lomake löytyy täältä: https://www.tyk.fi/aikuislukio/tietoa/lomakkeet/

HOME ASSIGNMENT (= opettajalle palautettava kotitehtävä):
On pages 134 - 135 you find 9 topics for written tasks. Choose one and write your essay on it. Please, do make the difference between small and capital letters.THE ULTIMATE DEAD-LINE is Thursday, May 20th, 2021!

Please, go to listen to all the texts and listening comprehension exercises at the following address: https://tiedostot.otava.fi/aanet/insights4/


1. April 20, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Introduction to the course / Text 1 Like OMG, I work for an NGO p. 9 – 10 / GRAMMAR: MODAL AUXILIARIES (CAN, COULD) p. 138 – 139
2. April 22, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): ex. 1b, 1c, 1e & 1f p. 12 - 14 / ex. 3 p. 140 / GRAMMAR: MODAL AUXILIARIES (MAY, MIGHT) p. 141 - 142
3. April 26, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): ex. 6 p. 143 / GRAMMAR: MODAL AUXILIARIES (MUST) p. 144 – 145
4. April 28, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): ex. 9 p. 147 / ex. 13 p. 150 / ex. 14 p. 151 / Text 2 Surviving night in A&E p. 17 – 18 / ex. 2b p. 20
5. May 4, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): ex. 2d p. 22 & ex. 2f p. 24 & ex. 2g & 2h p. 25 / GRAMMAR: INDEFINITE PRONOUNS p. 152 – 158 (EVERY-, SOME-, ANY- & NO-)
6. May 6, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): ex. 19 p. 159 – 160 / GRAMMAR: OTHER INDEFINITE PRONOUNS p. 161 – 164 (ANOTHER, OTHER, OTHERS, THE OTHER; ALL; WHOLE; BOTH, EACH; EITHER, NEITHER)
7. May 11, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): GRAMMAR: OTHER INDEFINITE PRONOUNS p. 161 – 164 / ex. 25 p. 167 / Text 6 You can make a difference p. 61 – 62 / ex. 6c p. 64

 (May 13, 2021 Ascension Day: no classes!)

8. May 18, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): ex. 6f p. 65 / ex. 23 p. 24 / GRAMMAR: RELATIVE PRONOUNS AND CLAUSES p. 168 – 175
9. May 20, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Text 7 Nearly perfect societies p. 69 – 70 / ex. 31 & 32 p. 178 – 179 / video 9h p. 92
THE ULTIMATE DEAD-LINE for the home assignment is on Thursday, May 20th, 2021!  
10. May 25, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): ex. 7d p. 73 / ex. 7e p. 74 / ex. 7f & ex. 7g p. 74 – 75
11. May 26, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): Nationality Words p. 180 – 185 / ex. 36 p. 185