ENA9 / Haaksluoto / 6. jakso

Shortened clauses / Lauseenvastikkeet



Barack Obama entered the Oval Office and he smiled broadly.

Tässä virkkeessä (= a sentence) on KAKSI PÄÄLAUSETTA (= two main clauses), jotka
on yhdistetty toisiinsa AND-rinnastuskonjunktiolla. Koska molemmissa lauseissa on
SAMA subjekti (viitataan samaan henkilöön Barack Obama = he), jälkimmäinen lause
voidaan lyhentää muotoon smiling (aktiivinen aikamuoto smiled lyhennetään –ing-
muodolla: verbin perusmuodosta l. infinitiivistä smile tehdään smiling (ääntymätön –e
häviää –ing-päätteen tieltä).

Barack Obama entered the Oval Office smiling broadly.



Yesterday President Barack Obama who now serves his second term met
Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington D.C.

1) Analysoi lauseet (päälause: Yesterday President Barack Obama met
Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington D.C. ja sivulause (=
päälauseeseen upotettu relatiivilause) who now serves his second term)
2) Etsi lauseiden subjektit (= President Barack Obama ja who). Jos ne
ovat samat tai viittaavat samaan henkilöön, asiaan tai ilmiöön,
lyhennystöihin voi ryhtyä. (Se on edellytys numero 1.)
3) Tutki lyhennettävän lauseen predikaatti. Jos se on AKTIIVISSA,
predikaattiverbi lyhennetään –ing-muodolla: serves = aktiivi; otetaan siitä
perusmuoto serve ja siitä tehdään –ing-muoto: serving (ääntymätön e
katoaa –ing-muotoa muodostettaessa)
4) Hävitetään subjekti pois lyhennettävästä lauseesta (who katoaa)
5) Näin on saatu lauselyhennys:

Yesterday President Barack Obama now serving his second term met
Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington D.C.

6) Tarkastetaan, että saatu tulos on tolkullinen.


Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race
and Inheritance which was published in 1995 is worth reading.

1) Analysoi lauseet (päälause: Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams
from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is worth reading. ja
sivulause (= päälauseeseen upotettu relatiivilause) which was published in
2) Etsi lauseiden subjektit (= Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams
from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance ja which). Jos ne ovat
samat tai viittaavat samaan henkilöön, asiaan tai ilmiöön, lyhennystöihin
voi ryhtyä. (Se on edellytys numero 1.)
3) Tutki lyhennettävän lauseen predikaatti. Jos se on PASSIIVISSA,
lyhennys tehdään teeman kolmannella muodolla (tai -ed-muodolla, jos
kyseessä säännöllinen verbi).  Predikaatti was published lyhenee siis
muotoon published.
4) Hävitetään lyhennettävän lauseen subjekti which.
5) Näin saadaan aikaan virke:

Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race
and Inheritance published in 1995 is worth reading.

6) Tutki, onko saatu kokonaisuus tolkullinen.

(alkavat alistuskonjunktioilla after, before, since, when, while…)

Esim. 1. Before Barack Obama entered Harvard Law School he graduated from
Columbia University.

1) Päälause: he graduated from Columbia University; sivulause: Before
Barack Obama entered Harvard Law School
2) Samat subjektit (Barack Obama ja he viittaavat saman henkilöön), joten
aikaa ilmaisevan sivulauseen voi lyhentää.
3) Predikaatti entered on aktiivissa, joten verbin perusmuodosta enter
tehdään –ing-muoto entering.
4) Hävitetään sivulauseen subjekti Barack Obama.
5) Saadaan virke:
Before entering Harvard Law School he graduated from Columbia
6) Tutkitaan saatua virkettä ja todetaan, että persoonapronomini he
pitää korvata alkuperäisen sivulauseen subjektilla Barack Obama, jotta
tiedetään, kenestä on kysymys.
7) Saadaan aikaan virke:
Before entering Harvard Law School Barack Obama graduated from
Columbia University.
8) Saatu lauseenvastike mielellään erotetaan pilkulla muusta

Before entering Harvard Law School, Barack Obama graduated from
Columbia University.

Esim. 2: After Barack Obama had given his speech, he disappeared from the

1) Barack Obama = he (voidaan siis tehdä lyhennys)
2) had given = aktiivi; give-perusmuodosta tehdään –ing-muoto: giving
3) Hävitetään lyhennettävän lauseen subjekti ja heitetään se päälauseen
puolelle korvaamaan he-pronomini, jotta tiedetään, kenestä on puhe.
4) Saadaan virke:
After giving his speech, Barack Obama disappeared from the podium.
5) Tämä on tolkullinen virke.
6) Käytetään myös paljon –ing-muodon mennyttä muotoa (having given)
tämän tyyppisissä virkkeissä; silloin yleensä alistuskonjunktio after

Having given his speech, Barack Obama disappeared from the podium.

(alkavat alistuskonjunktioilla if = jos ja unless = ellei, jollei…)

If Barack Obama was criticized for his views on social welfare, he was able to defend
his views with good argumentation.

If criticized for his views on social welfare, Barack Obama was able to defend his
views with good argumentation.

(alkavat usein alistuskonjunktiolla although)

Although Barack Obama is still quite popular, he has been able to remain humble and
maintain his boyish charm.

1) päälause: he has been able to remain humble and maintain his boyish
charm; sivulause: Although Barack Obama is still quite popular
2) subjektit viittaavaat samaan henkilöön (Barack Obama = he); näin ollen
sivulauseen voi lyhentää
3) is = predikaatti aktiivissa ; -ing-muoto = being
4) sivulauseen subjekti pois; heitetään päälauseeseen, jotta tiedetään
kenestä on kysymys

Although being still quite popular, Barack Obama has been able to remain
humble and maintain his boyish charm.

6) Tehdään lopullinen siistiminen / sieventäminen (although lyhenee yleensä muotooon
thoughbeing jätetään pois, koska sen semanttinen = merkityksellinen arvo on niin

Though still quite popular, Barack Obama has been able to remain humble and maintain
his boyish charm.

(alkavat alistuskonjunktioilla as, because, since…)

As Barack Obama understands the gravity of the Syrian conflict, he aims at helping
to solve the situation as soon as possible.

Saadaan aikaseksi seuraavanlainen virke: As understanding the gravity of the Syrian
conflict, Barack Obama aims at helping to solve the situation as soon as possible.
Viimeistelyvaiheessa jätetään pois alistuskonjunktio as. Syytä ilmaisevissa
lauseenvastikkeissa konjunktio jää pois.

Understanding the gravity of the Syrian conflict, Barack Obama aims at helping to
solve the situation as soon as possible.

Englannissa käytetään paljon idiomaattisia ilmaisuja, jotka ovat alun perin olleet

God willing; generally speaking; broadly speaking; strictly speaking; judging by / from…;
supposing; weather permitting;…

Supposing President Bashar al-Assad were to resign, I am sure everybody would be
quite relieved.

Judging by his face, the negotiations did not go well.

Strictly speaking, Syria is devastated by war.


Muuta seuraavat virkkeet niin, että käytät lauseenvastikkeita, JOS SE ON

1. The late Senator Ted Kennedy visited the Obamas and gave them a precious
gift, a Portuguese Water Dog, who was named Bo.

2. After the Obamas had received Bo they started to walk the dog regularly
three times a day.

3. If the girls Malia and Sasha were to get another pet, the parents might oppose
the idea.

4. Although Barack Obama has not widely advertized it, he is a devout Christian
by choice.

5. Since Barack Obama became the first sitting US president to publicly support
same-sex marriage in May 2012, he has encountered a great deal of resistance
from e.g. the Tea Party movement and other conservative people.

6. The First Lady who wore a stunning red Jason Wu gown for the second
Commander-in-Chief Inaugural Ball usually looks startlingly beautiful.

7. After it emerged his staff had singled out conservative groups for extra
scrutiny, President Barack Obama announced the head of the US tax agency
had quit.

8. IRS Acting Commissioner Steve Miller who was asked by Treasury Secretary
Jack Lew to resign over the scandal will soon be out of office.

9. “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, but especially in the
IRS (Internal Revenue Service), as it is given the power that it has and the
reach that it has into all of our lives.”

10. When Secretary of State John Kerry who graduated from Yale University and
who was preceded by Hillary Rodham Clinton in office saw the atrocities of the
Syrian conflict he almost broke into tears.


Abilities / Answers:

Grammar Homework keys
4. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. What will happen if you are late?
2. Who could you talk to if you saw something strange/weird/odd?
3. What should have been done to prevent/stop this? / What should we have done to prevent/stop
4. Who would have believed you if you had said something?
5. If you had known this / Had you known this when (you were) younger, would you have helped me?
8. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. Rules are not always obeyed/followed.
2. We felt we were being watched/observed.
3. It must have been sold abroad.
4. They are said to be ready for everything. / It is said (that) they are ready for everything.
5. I tried to avoid being seen in their company.
12. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. You must be able to give me an/the answer.
2. I haven’t been able to sleep at all.
3. I may have made a mistake.
4. You should have been allowed/permitted to decide for yourself.
5. Why did I have to act so foolishly / in such a silly way?
6. You must have thought / must have been thinking that I was mad.
Infinitiivi, ing-muoto ja that-lause
17. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. I want you to listen carefully.
2. What makes you think (that) I know the answer?
3. Is it worth trying?
4. Have you got used to taking exercise every day?
5. I think (that) I’m right.
6. I am known to have made mistakes.
Substantiivit ja artikkelit
Yksikkö ja monikko
24. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. In biology classes/lessons, (the) students were asked to group animal species on different bases.
2. The list had / included butterflies, wolves, mice, reindeer, salmon, foxes, geese, and sheep.
3. People used different criteria when they described the phenomena.
4. After an hour of research, the analyses were presented as a series of presentations.
Yksikkö vai monikko?
28. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. There has been a lot of news / There have been many pieces / items of news / news items online
about how people react to threats.
2. Researchers are trying to figure out how the human brain works / human brains work.
3. Experts are gathering further evidence / proof about the fact that information has been misused.
4. With these studies / this research, the government hopes / hope to improve the situation.
32. HOMEWORK. Add the missing articles.
Talking about — modern art, — most people know the name Picasso, but few people know that he was
actually a Spaniard. He was born in — southern Spain, in the city of Malaga, and as a young man he studied
— traditional art with a famous Spanish painter.
At the age of 20, Picasso decided to move to — Paris, which was the centre of — culture at the time.
Together with a Hungarian friend of his, he developed a completely new and — innovative style of —
painting called — Cubism. If you look at a/the Cubist work of — art, you may see an ordinary object such as
a/the violin, an old newspaper, or a glass of — wine in the painting, but the/— parts of the objects may be
scattered all over the canvas. Later in — life, Picasso became an innovative sculptor. He would take an
everyday object like a used tyre, or a piece of — furniture, and use it to create a sculpture.
37. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. An English teacher of mine / One of my English teachers taught us that the kings and queens of the
United Kingdom live in Buckingham Palace, but the monarch’s Crown Jewels are kept in the Tower
of London.
2. According to a / the legend, the future of the kingdom / the kingdom’s future depends on the
presence of the ravens / the ravens’ presence in the Tower.
3. What brought the ravens to the Tower at the beginning of the 16th century / in the early 1500s was
probably the smell of the corpses of executed enemies of the king / the smell of the corpses of the
king’s executed enemies.
4. The Tower’s ravens / The ravens of the Tower have all got names of their own, and each raven’s
name / the name of each raven is written on its tombstone at a special raven cemetery.
41. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. I don’t know all/everything that was told to you / (that) you were told.
2. What you saw was nobody’s fault.
3. Accidents happen, which is not a surprise.
4. We tried to help the victims, two of whom died later in hospital.
5. Helping others is the least (that/which) we can do.
6. I haven’t met anyone who/that is as unselfish as you.
45. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. Nothing scares me more than being alone at home / home alone at night.
2. Everyone / Everybody is scared / frightened / afraid of something.
3. Not everyone believes in ghosts.
4. None of us can know how others really feel.
5. Anything can seem scary / frightening / terrifying for someone / somebody.
6. Some (people) are scared/afraid of mice and others of cockroaches.
Paljoussanat ja numeraalit
49. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. We have little time, so be quick.
2. Few students are as skilled/skillful.
3. Luckily I have a few friends.
4. Nobody needs many enemies / a lot of enemies.
5. Hopefully we all have many more friends than enemies.
52. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. I have dozens of acquaintances but only a few friends.
2. Few politicians have got/received hundreds of thousands of votes.
3. In the early 20th century/1900s / At the beginning of the 20th century / the 1900s many (people)
believed war would be impossible.
4. By the end of the 1910s tens of millions of people had died of war and disease.
5. Do you remember what happened in the mid—19th century / in the mid—1800s?
Adjektiivit ja adverbit
56. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. Climate change is making oceans warmer and warmer.
2. Hurricanes have become even more destructive / devastating than before.
3. The higher the temperatures, the worse the hurricanes become.
4. Hurricanes are most common in (the) autumn / fall when the weather is hotter and drier.
60. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. I tried to wake up earlier than usual because I felt extremely nervous about the physics test / exam.
2. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to charge my phone and I woke up even later than usual.
3. I got dressed as quickly as / as fast as I could and made it to the bus just in time.
4. The bus driver greeted me in a friendly way / kindly and asked me politely if I knew it was Sunday.
64. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. I bought ice cream at the kiosk yesterday.
2. I often go to town after school.
3. I always come home at six in the evening.
4. Never have I heard such nonsense. (/ I have never heard such nonsense.)
5. Had you seen us, you would have been angry/mad. (/ If you had seen us, …)
It ja there
68. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. It was sunny outside.
2. It was still dark in the corridor.
3. It blew / was blowing really hard outside.
4. There was a lot of trash on/in the street.
5. There were a lot of people at/in the square.
6. There was no way to find you.
Epäsuora kerronta
72. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. I am not sure if/whether I was right or wrong.
2. Can you tell me what happened?
3. I want to know if you said anything about me.
4. Nobody can know if they believed us.
5. I wonder if he/she has ever been young.
6. Tell me where you went.
76. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. This is the list of the members attending the meeting.
2. What do you think of the project presented last time?
3. Done properly it can be a great success.
4. Having read / After reading an article about the environmental effects of the project, I am no
longer so sure.
5. In my opinion / In my view / To my mind, people forgetting the environment are reckless.
78. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. Hiking in the mountains is both refreshing and good fun.
2. It wasn’t until I made my first trip to a/the national park that I realized that hiking was my thing.
3. Now that I’ve packed my backpack, I’m ready to set off.
4. Whenever I hike long distances, I feel a sense of accomplishment/ as if I’ve accomplished/achieved
5. Although / even though / though I am not really interested in / into / keen on sports, long walks
suit me.
81. HOMEWORK. Translate into English.
1. Above all, remember to do exactly as I tell you to.
2. However / yet / still / nevertheless / nonetheless, I’ve sometimes given you bad advice as well.
3. As a result / For this reason / Consequently, you once lost a lot of money.
4. On the other hand, it’s good to have your own will.
5. That’s why / Therefore, it’s good to use common sense and not always obey me.
Verbi/ Adjektiivi /Substantiivi + prepositio
90. HOMEWORK. Translate.
1. I was in Spain and the stars were like diamonds in the sky.
2. The neighbour’s kids are at my door again.
3. I have always lived on the top floor of this 32—storey/32—story building.
4. This parrot is similar to yours, but different from/to/than the one we saw at the parking lot of/at
the zoo.
5. The ancient recipe for success is to concentrate/focus on the minor / small details.

Kurssiohjelma / ENA9 / Haaksluoto / 6. jakso

Töölön yhteiskoulun aikuislukio 2020 - 2021 / VI period


on April 20th –  May 25th, 2021, at 17.00 – 18.20 hours

The books to have:

1) Riitta Silk – Jaakko Mäki – Felicity Kjisik: Grammar Rules! & vastauskirja (Otava)

2) Abilities (available only in a digital form) (Otava)

Teacher: Erja H. Haaksluoto; e-mail: erja.haaksluoto@tyk.fi

Available for consultation: on Tuesdays at 20.05 – 20.45 hours (= so-called KIELIKLINIKKA) online on GoogleMeet or in class room 31 at school (except not during the exam weeks).


  1. April 20, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): WARMING UP; INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE // Advice for the matriculation exam // RC (= reading comprehension): Live long and prosper
  2. April 22, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Grammar: Verbs (Conditionals and if-clauses) / Home Work 4 // RC: The Luddites
  3. April27, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): LC (= listening comprehension): Childhood: how does it shape us? / LC: The power of literature // Grammar: The passive voice / Home Work 8 // RC: A success story
  4. April 29, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): LC: Personhood and embodiedness // Grammar: Auxiliaries / Home Work 12
  5. May4, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Grammar: Prepositions / Home Work 90 // RC: Mitochondrial Eve and the true melting pot
  6. May 6, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Grammar: Infinitives, ING-forms and THAT-clause / Home Work 17
  7. May 11, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): Grammar: Nouns and Articles / Home Work 24 & 28 & 32 & 37 // RC: Worms land a great job

(May 13, 2021 is Ascension Day: no classes!)

  1. May18, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): Grammar: Pronouns / Home Work 41 & 45 // RC: What is natural?
  2. May20, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Grammar: Word Order / Home Work 64 // IT and THERE / Home Work 68 // Reported Speech / Home Work 72 // RC: Two peas in a pod
  3. May 25, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Matriculation Examination: Advanced English autumn 2020 (you find this in the address abitreenit/englanti)
  4. May26, 2021 (in class room 31 at school):  Grammar: Shortened Clauses / Home Work 76 // Conjunctions / Home Work 78 // Linking words / Home Work 81

THE EXAM takes place digitally at 15.00 - 21.00 hours on May 31st, 2021. (You will be given the full SIX hours to do your exam.)

The exam will be delivered back to you digitally, but if there are any questions concerning the exam, they will be answered in Class Room 31 (if the pandemic is over) or digitally on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021, at 16.00 – 17.30 hours.

: on Friday on September 3rd, 2021, at 17.00 – 20.05 hours (NB!!! Uusintakokeeseen ON AINA ILMOITTAUDUTTAVA erikseen täyttämällä vaaleansininen uusintakoelappu, jonka saa kansliasta (2. krs). Uusintakokeeseen on ilmoittauduttava VIIMEISTÄÄN VIIKKOA AIKAISEMMIN eli perjantaina 27.8.2021 toimittamalla uusintakoelappu kansliaan, 2.krs. Uusintakoelomakkeesta on myös olemassa sähköinen lomake. Nettisivuilla on pdf, jonka voi suoraan täyttää ja lähettää liitetiedostona kansliaan. Lomake löytyy täältä: https://www.tyk.fi/aikuislukio/tietoa/lomakkeet/

Huomaa myös, että uusintakoe ei ole kuusituntinen preliminäärikoe, vaan koeaika on vain 3h 5 min.)


You must hand in TWO compositions on the titles given in the digibook Abilities (Kirjoitelman aiheet 1 ja Kirjoitelman aiheet 2).



1) WRITTEN DIGITALTEST including listening comprehension tests and videos at 15.00 – 21.00 hours on Monday, May 31st, 2021

2) AND YOU MUST HAND IN TWO COMPOSITIONS on the titles given in the digibook Abilities.

3) Exercises that are to be handed in to the teacher


ENGLANNIN SUULLINEN VALMENTAUTUMISTILAISUUS ENNEN KIRJALLISTA YLIOPPILASKOETTA (kirjallisen kokeen yhteydessä on myös kuuntelu: pitkä englanti perjantaina 17.9.2021 klo 9.00 – 15.00 // lyhyt englanti maanantaina  27.9.2021 klo 9.00 – 15.00; paikalla oltava viimeistään klo 8.00) järjestetään perjantaina 10.9.2021 klo 17.00 – 20.00 luokassa 31.

Abi-info I syksyn 2021 kirjoittajille järjestetään tiistaina 11.5.2021 klo 20.05 ja keskiviikkona 12.5.2021 klo 16.00.

NB! Jenni Päkkilän pitämä abikurssin tukikurssi VI jaksolla:

Tässä osoite GoogleMeetissä: meet.google.com/drg-wmha-act

Tunneille saa / voi tulla matalalla kynnyksellä ja tukikurssin sisältöä voidaan rakentaa opiskelijoiden toiveiden pohjalta. Lähtöajatuksena olisi käydä läpi yo-asioita – kerrata muutama kielioppiasia, harjoitella vanhojen yo-kokeiden tehtäviä ja kehittää kirjoitelmataitoja.

Tukikurssi koostuu yht. 12 kaksoistunnista, tunnit pidetään ti ja to klo 18.40 – 20.00. Ensimmäisen viikon tunnit 20.4. ja 22.4. etänä Google Meetissä. Lähiopetusviikkojen luokkatila tarkentuu myöhemmin.