ENA2 TI-TO klo 18:40, Johanna Mannerkoski, periodi 4

KOE tänään tiistaina 27.2. klo 17

KOE on tänään tiistaina 27.2. klo 17-18:30 luokassa 14 !

pe 10.3. klo 17 luokassa 14

pe 31.3. klo 17-20:05 juhlasalissa, 5.krs (Muista ilmoittautua sinisellä lomakkeella!)

Torstai 9.2.


Harjoittele nämä verbit tiistaiksi! VERBITESTI!

leave - left
lead - led
let - let
lie - lay
lose - lost
make - made
mean - meant
meet - met
pay - paid
put - put
run - ran
say - said
sell - sold
send - sent
set - set
sit - sat
speak - spoke
spend - spent
stand - stood
take - took
teach - taught
tell - told
think - thought
understand - understood
wake up - woke up
wear - wore
win - won
write - wrote

Thursday 9.2.

Watch this video on the present continuous and do the exercises given in class.
Katso tämä video kestopreesensistä ("I am watching") and tee tunnilla saadut tehtävät.

Present continuous

Tuesday 31.1.


Opettele nämä verbit ja niiden imperfekti: (VERBITESTI torstaina 2.2.!)

  • be - was/were
  • begin - began
  • break - broke
  • bring - brought
  • buy - bought
  • build - built
  • choose - chose
  • come - came
  • cost - cost
  • cut - cut
  • do - did
  • draw - drew
  • drive - drove
  • eat - ate
  • feel - felt
  • find - found
  • fly - flew
  • get - got
  • give - gave
  • go - went
  • have - had
  • hear - heard
  • hold - held
  • keep - kept
  • know - knew

Tuesday 24.1.

Säännöllisten verbien imperfekti / Regular past tense verbs

I walked to work = Kävelin töihin
It happened yesterday = Se tapahtui eilen

Watch this video:

Regular past tense verbs

Imperfekti - kysymyslauseet / questions in the past tense


What did you do at the weekend? = Mitä teit viikonloppuna?
Did you go skating? = Menitkö luistelemaan?

Watch this video:

Past simple questions

Thursday 19.1.

Homework / Läksy:

Opettele 8 ensimmäistä sanaa monisteesta Health problems.
Pieni testi tiistaina 24.1. näistä sanoista!

Course programme




Tuesday 10.1.

Text 6B A Power cut at Alice’s house

+ kestopreesens


Thursday 12.1.

Reading irregular verbs!


Health vocabulary


Tuesday 17.1.

Reading irregular verbs!

Text 7A My head hurts


Thursday 19.1.

Reading irregular verbs!

Kertaus: be-verbin imperfekti


Tuesday 24.1.

Reading irregular verbs!

Kertaus: säännöllisten verbien imperfekti

Text 7B At the doctor’s

health vocabulary

Thursday 26.1.

Reading irregular verbs!

Kertaus: säännöllisten verbien imperfekti


Tuesday 31.1.

Reading irregular verbs!

Epäsäännöllisten verbien imperfekti


Thursday 2.2

Reading irregular verbs!

Epäsäännöllisten verbien imperfekti

irregular verbs

Tuesday 7.2.

Reading irregular verbs!

Text 9A To a tropical paradise


Thursday 9.2.

Text 9B At the hotel reception

Spelling and dates


Thursday 16.2.

Revising for the test, practice tasks


Monday 27.2.

COURSE TEST at 17:00-18:30 classroom 14


Friday 10.3.

Tests returned at 16:00-17:30 classroom 14


English ENA 2 Course information

Time: 4th period, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18:20-20:00

Classroom: 14 

Teacher: Johanna Mannerkoski, johanna.mannerkoski@tyk.fi or Wilma 

Study materials: 

  • Course material 
  • Book: Destinations 2
  • PEDA.NET:  

COURSE TEST: Monday 27th February at 17:00-18:30, classroom 14

Tests returned: Friday 10th March at 16:00-17:30

Retake (uusintakoe): 31st March at 17:00-20:05. Remember to fill in the blue form in the school office one week beforehand.