7. day Tue 26.4.

Today we went to visit a historical castle town of Monsaraz. We left at 9.30 am and we drove about an hour to get there. We had a little bit of free time there and we walked around the town and the old castle taking pictures and did some sunbathing.

Picture of Monsaraz (source: monsarazaereo.jpg)

In Monsaraz

At 11.45 am we headed back to Vidigueira and grabbed some lunch. Our teacher Tuomas had a birthday and we celebrated it with a nice cake! (though it was little too sweet..)

After lunch we drove to the winery Herdade Rocim. There we had a guided tour. When we came back form the winery we went to picnic with our friends.

Getting to konw about the sustainable entrepreneurship of a winery at Herdade Rocim.

text: Noora, Erika, Hannele