Contents and timetable

24.8. Course info, YO LC (Autumn22)
25.8. YO RC (Autumn22), HW: Glossary: Environment A and B.

Grammar: Shortened clauses, HW: 4 ja 5
Glossary: Recycling, Grammar continues

7.9. Grammar: Conjunctions and linking words (HW: 10 ja 11)
8.9. Glossary: Energy (B ja C), Grammar: Conjunctions... (13 ja 16), HW: Ch 7 7a

14.9. Auxiliary verbs, special cases (22, 23), Ch 7 What's going on in the Amazon? (7a, 7f)
15.9. No lesson (Those, not takig part in the ME, write an essay YO Autumn22)

Ch7 (7j), Ch 8 On a mission engage, text as an RC + kysymykset suomeksi 
22.9. Ch 8 continues (8b, 8c, 8e, 8f, 8h)

Ch 9 How green are electric vehicles? (9b, 9c, 9e, 9f, 9h, 9i)
29.9. Grammar: prepositional phrases (24, 25 ja 27)


Exam: 13.10. 12-15 UK44 luokka 2006
How to prepare for the exam: learn Ch 9 vocabulary and the glossaries. Grammar: shortened clauses, conjunctions and linking words.