Kaksikielinen opetus (suomi - englanti) / Bilingual teaching (Finnish - English)

Info session about weighted teaching / painotetun opetuksen infotilaisuus

An information session for weighted teaching will be held on Wednesday, October 9th at 18:00 in Porin Lyseon koulu (old hall on the second floor of the pink building). Please pre-register for the event via this link:

Register here.

The actual application for weighed teaching takes place electronically from October 1st 2024 to November 15th 2024.
Painotusluokkien infotilaisuus pidetään ke 9.10. klo 18.00 Lyseon vanhassa salissa. Tilaisuuteen on ennakkoilmoittautuminen, joka tehdään tämän linkin kautta:

Ilmoittautuminen painotusluokkien infoon

Itse haku painotusluokille tapahtuu sähköisesti 1.10.2024-15.11.2024.

Entrance exam / pääsykoe

The entrance exam will be held at Porin Lyseo school on Thursday November 28th 2025 at 13.30. Access is from the school yard through the A-doors. After the A-doors, there is a lobby area from where the students are picked up. The entrance exam includes a written section and an interview, and lasts about an hour.

Pääsykoe pidetään Porin Lyseon koululla torstaina 28.11.2024 klo 13.30. Sisään pääsee koulun sisäpihalta A-ovista. A-ovien jälkeen on aulatila, josta oppilaat haetaan. Pääsykoe sisältää kirjallisen osion ja haastattelun, ja kestää noin tunnin.


Bilingual classes in Porin Lyseo school

Porin Lyseo school is a secondary school situated in the centre of the town of Pori in Finland. It is a free public school which follows the Finnish national curriculum (2014). There are almost 600 pupils in grades 7 - 9 (13-16 years of age). The school has a line of classes specializing in music, a line of classes specializing in art, a line of classes specializing in entrepreunership, as well as a line of bilingual classes. In the bilingual classes subjects are taught both in English and Finnish. 

Our school emphasizes different kinds of skills, activities and arts. We want to help young people develop into active, independent citizens capable of working cooperatively. Core subjects are maths, science, biology, geography, history, religion, health education, Finnish language and literature, English and Swedish. Students study also so called artistic and practical subjects, such as music, physical education, home economics, craft and textile studies. In addition, students can elect to study French, German or Spanish, for example. 

As in the Porin Lyseo curriculum, one of the most important goals is a good basic education, which also guarantees the students in the bilingual classes a post-graduate degree in Finnish-language schools. In the bilingual classes the content and topics of school subjects are studied in both English and in Finnish. 

The objective of teaching in bilingual classes is that the students feel contented learning in English and Finnish. It is hoped that they will develop the desire, courage and skill to use both languages. The pupils will learn about foreign cultures and cope with appropriate messaging situations in the classroom in a foreign language.


For Whom:

  • pupils transferring from Cygnaeus School English Classes (no admission test)
  • pupils who wish to further develop their English language skills transferring from other primary schools
  • pupils living in Finland on a temporary basis
  • ex-pat pupils with English language skills


  • directly from Cygnaeus English Classes
  • from normal Finnish classes after passing an admission test
  • ex-pat pupils after passing an admission text

Application and admission tests

  • Application forms to bilingual class need to be filled online (see links below).
  • The admission tests will be administered in November. 
  • A maximum of 25 pupils will be taken into the class.
  • Parts of the Admission Test: a Finnish language test, mathematics test, English oral test/interview, English grammar test, English reading comprehension test and English listening comprehension test.
  • Determination of points: maximum score of 36 pts. 
English grammar test 6 pts.
2. English oral test/interview 6 pts.
3. English reading comprehension test 6 pts.
4. English listening comprehension 6 pts.
5. Mathematics test 6 pts.
6. Finnish language test 6 pts.

  • A minimum of 18 points is required for admission to the bilingual class.
  • In the event of tying scores, ranking is determined by the points accrued in the order of the tests listed above

Porin kaupungin painotettu opetus 
Online application form