Kirjallisuutta Jaa Kirjallisuutta ohjelmoinnillisesta ajattelusta ja ohjelmoinnista Barr & Stephenson (2011). Bringing Computational Thinking to K-12: What is Involved and What is the Role of the Computer Science Education Community? comprehensive articles. ACM Inroads 2(1) Phillps (2009). Computational thinking - A problem-solving tool for evely classroom. Microsoft 0 kommenttia Settle ym. (2012). Infusing Computational Thinking into the Middle- and High-School Curriculum, ITiCSE’12
Kirjallisuutta ohjelmoinnillisesta ajattelusta ja ohjelmoinnista Barr & Stephenson (2011). Bringing Computational Thinking to K-12: What is Involved and What is the Role of the Computer Science Education Community? comprehensive articles. ACM Inroads 2(1) Phillps (2009). Computational thinking - A problem-solving tool for evely classroom. Microsoft 0 kommenttia Settle ym. (2012). Infusing Computational Thinking into the Middle- and High-School Curriculum, ITiCSE’12
Barr & Stephenson (2011). Bringing Computational Thinking to K-12: What is Involved and What is the Role of the Computer Science Education Community? comprehensive articles. ACM Inroads 2(1)
Phillps (2009). Computational thinking - A problem-solving tool for evely classroom. Microsoft 0 kommenttia
Settle ym. (2012). Infusing Computational Thinking into the Middle- and High-School Curriculum, ITiCSE’12