By students

Travel files (2003)

Planning a trip

-you can study brochures and discuss
with your friend

-you must book your trip in time

-you can practise the language of the country

-you mustn't forget travel insurance


Travel files (2006)

Emma's trip

Hello Lisa,

We have a very nice trip. We came last
night and I was very tired after the flight.
But maybe you want to know something
about our trip.

We arrived in Italy on Saturday. On Sunday we
swam in the sea and we were in town. On Monday
we went sightseeing and shopping.(I bought
a cool T-shirt!!)

On Tuesday we went to Rome. It was hot weather
there. We saw many famous buildings, for example
the Colosseum. On Wednesday we were sunbathing
and eating out. We ate delicious food:
prosciutto con gorgonzola, yummy!
On Thursday we went on an outing on bikes
and we were shopping. I was scuba-diving with Dad.
Friday was our last day. I played beachvolley with
some French guys. Mum and Dad were on a trip
to a vineyard. On Saturday we left for Finland.
We had great fun and a nice trip.

I hope that I can go back there one day!!


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