ENA6 / Haaksluoto / 6. jakso

Shortened clauses / Lauseenvastikkeet



Barack Obama entered the Oval Office and he smiled broadly.

Tässä virkkeessä (= a sentence) on KAKSI PÄÄLAUSETTA (= two main clauses), jotka
on yhdistetty toisiinsa AND-rinnastuskonjunktiolla. Koska molemmissa lauseissa on
SAMA subjekti (viitataan samaan henkilöön Barack Obama = he), jälkimmäinen lause
voidaan lyhentää muotoon smiling (aktiivinen aikamuoto smiled lyhennetään –ing-
muodolla: verbin perusmuodosta l. infinitiivistä smile tehdään smiling (ääntymätön –e
häviää –ing-päätteen tieltä).

Barack Obama entered the Oval Office smiling broadly.



Yesterday President Barack Obama who now serves his second term met
Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington D.C.

1) Analysoi lauseet (päälause: Yesterday President Barack Obama met
Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington D.C. ja sivulause (=
päälauseeseen upotettu relatiivilause) who now serves his second term)
2) Etsi lauseiden subjektit (= President Barack Obama ja who). Jos ne
ovat samat tai viittaavat samaan henkilöön, asiaan tai ilmiöön,
lyhennystöihin voi ryhtyä. (Se on edellytys numero 1.)
3) Tutki lyhennettävän lauseen predikaatti. Jos se on AKTIIVISSA,
predikaattiverbi lyhennetään –ing-muodolla: serves = aktiivi; otetaan siitä
perusmuoto serve ja siitä tehdään –ing-muoto: serving (ääntymätön e
katoaa –ing-muotoa muodostettaessa)
4) Hävitetään subjekti pois lyhennettävästä lauseesta (who katoaa)
5) Näin on saatu lauselyhennys:

Yesterday President Barack Obama now serving his second term met
Prime Minister David Cameron in Washington D.C.

6) Tarkastetaan, että saatu tulos on tolkullinen.


Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race
and Inheritance which was published in 1995 is worth reading.

1) Analysoi lauseet (päälause: Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams
from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is worth reading. ja
sivulause (= päälauseeseen upotettu relatiivilause) which was published in
2) Etsi lauseiden subjektit (= Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams
from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance ja which). Jos ne ovat
samat tai viittaavat samaan henkilöön, asiaan tai ilmiöön, lyhennystöihin
voi ryhtyä. (Se on edellytys numero 1.)
3) Tutki lyhennettävän lauseen predikaatti. Jos se on PASSIIVISSA,
lyhennys tehdään teeman kolmannella muodolla (tai -ed-muodolla, jos
kyseessä säännöllinen verbi).  Predikaatti was published lyhenee siis
muotoon published.
4) Hävitetään lyhennettävän lauseen subjekti which.
5) Näin saadaan aikaan virke:

Barack Obama’s autobiography Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race
and Inheritance published in 1995 is worth reading.

6) Tutki, onko saatu kokonaisuus tolkullinen.

(alkavat alistuskonjunktioilla after, before, since, when, while…)

Esim. 1. Before Barack Obama entered Harvard Law School he graduated from
Columbia University.

1) Päälause: he graduated from Columbia University; sivulause: Before
Barack Obama entered Harvard Law School
2) Samat subjektit (Barack Obama ja he viittaavat saman henkilöön), joten
aikaa ilmaisevan sivulauseen voi lyhentää.
3) Predikaatti entered on aktiivissa, joten verbin perusmuodosta enter
tehdään –ing-muoto entering.
4) Hävitetään sivulauseen subjekti Barack Obama.
5) Saadaan virke:
Before entering Harvard Law School he graduated from Columbia
6) Tutkitaan saatua virkettä ja todetaan, että persoonapronomini he
pitää korvata alkuperäisen sivulauseen subjektilla Barack Obama, jotta
tiedetään, kenestä on kysymys.
7) Saadaan aikaan virke:
Before entering Harvard Law School Barack Obama graduated from
Columbia University.
8) Saatu lauseenvastike mielellään erotetaan pilkulla muusta

Before entering Harvard Law School, Barack Obama graduated from
Columbia University.

Esim. 2: After Barack Obama had given his speech, he disappeared from the

1) Barack Obama = he (voidaan siis tehdä lyhennys)
2) had given = aktiivi; give-perusmuodosta tehdään –ing-muoto: giving
3) Hävitetään lyhennettävän lauseen subjekti ja heitetään se päälauseen
puolelle korvaamaan he-pronomini, jotta tiedetään, kenestä on puhe.
4) Saadaan virke:
After giving his speech, Barack Obama disappeared from the podium.
5) Tämä on tolkullinen virke.
6) Käytetään myös paljon –ing-muodon mennyttä muotoa (having given)
tämän tyyppisissä virkkeissä; silloin yleensä alistuskonjunktio after

Having given his speech, Barack Obama disappeared from the podium.

(alkavat alistuskonjunktioilla if = jos ja unless = ellei, jollei…)

If Barack Obama was criticized for his views on social welfare, he was able to defend
his views with good argumentation.

If criticized for his views on social welfare, Barack Obama was able to defend his
views with good argumentation.

(alkavat usein alistuskonjunktiolla although)

Although Barack Obama is still quite popular, he has been able to remain humble and
maintain his boyish charm.

1) päälause: he has been able to remain humble and maintain his boyish
charm; sivulause: Although Barack Obama is still quite popular
2) subjektit viittaavaat samaan henkilöön (Barack Obama = he); näin ollen
sivulauseen voi lyhentää
3) is = predikaatti aktiivissa ; -ing-muoto = being
4) sivulauseen subjekti pois; heitetään päälauseeseen, jotta tiedetään
kenestä on kysymys

Although being still quite popular, Barack Obama has been able to remain
humble and maintain his boyish charm.

6) Tehdään lopullinen siistiminen / sieventäminen (although lyhenee yleensä muotooon
though; being jätetään pois, koska sen semanttinen = merkityksellinen arvo on niin

Though still quite popular, Barack Obama has been able to remain humble and maintain
his boyish charm.

(alkavat alistuskonjunktioilla as, because, since…)

As Barack Obama understands the gravity of the Syrian conflict, he aims at helping
to solve the situation as soon as possible.

Saadaan aikaseksi seuraavanlainen virke: As understanding the gravity of the Syrian
conflict, Barack Obama aims at helping to solve the situation as soon as possible.
Viimeistelyvaiheessa jätetään pois alistuskonjunktio as. Syytä ilmaisevissa
lauseenvastikkeissa konjunktio jää pois.

Understanding the gravity of the Syrian conflict, Barack Obama aims at helping to
solve the situation as soon as possible.

Englannissa käytetään paljon idiomaattisia ilmaisuja, jotka ovat alun perin olleet

God willing; generally speaking; broadly speaking; strictly speaking; judging by / from…;
supposing; weather permitting;…

Supposing President Bashar al-Assad were to resign, I am sure everybody would be
quite relieved.

Judging by his face, the negotiations did not go well.

Strictly speaking, Syria is devastated by war.


Muuta seuraavat virkkeet niin, että käytät lauseenvastikkeita, JOS SE ON

1. The late Senator Ted Kennedy visited the Obamas and gave them a precious
gift, a Portuguese Water Dog, who was named Bo.

2. After the Obamas had received Bo they started to walk the dog regularly
three times a day.

3. If the girls Malia and Sasha were to get another pet, the parents might oppose
the idea.

4. Although Barack Obama has not widely advertized it, he is a devout Christian
by choice.

5. Since Barack Obama became the first sitting US president to publicly support
same-sex marriage in May 2012, he has encountered a great deal of resistance
from e.g. the Tea Party movement and other conservative people.

6. The First Lady who wore a stunning red Jason Wu gown for the second
Commander-in-Chief Inaugural Ball usually looks startlingly beautiful.

7. After it emerged his staff had singled out conservative groups for extra
scrutiny, President Barack Obama announced the head of the US tax agency
had quit.

8. IRS Acting Commissioner Steve Miller who was asked by Treasury Secretary
Jack Lew to resign over the scandal will soon be out of office.

9. “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency, but especially in the
IRS (Internal Revenue Service), as it is given the power that it has and the
reach that it has into all of our lives.”

10. When Secretary of State John Kerry who graduated from Yale University and
who was preceded by Hillary Rodham Clinton in office saw the atrocities of the
Syrian conflict he almost broke into tears.


exercise 29 page 166


Change the subclauses into shortened clauses.
1. Before you apply for a job, you should consider the following things.
Before applying for a job, you should consider the following things.
2. Applicants who are invited for an interview are expected to be prepared in many ways.
Applicants invited for an interview are expected to be prepared in many ways.
3. Before you are interviewed, be sure to do some research on the company.
Before (being) interviewed, be sure to do some research on the company.
4. When you choose what to wear for the interview, there are certain rules to follow.
When choosing what to wear for the interview, there are certain rules to follow.
5. People who don’t wear appropriate clothing can be considered unprofessional.
People not wearing appropriate clothing can be considered unprofessional.
6. After you have decided your outfit, ask for a second opinion.
After deciding / Having decided your outfit, ask for a second opinion.
7. Because they are not very experienced with interviews, young people might not be the best ones to give advice.
Not being very experienced with interviews, young people might not be the best ones to give advice.
8. When you commute to the interview, make sure you have enough time.
When commuting to the interview, make sure you have enough time.
9. When you arrive at the office, remember that first impressions are everything.
When arriving at the office, remember that first impressions are everything.
10. Some of the questions that you are asked may seem strange and irrelevant.
Some of the questions asked may seem strange and irrelevant.
11. The person who is interviewing you just wants to see how you react.
The person interviewing you just wants to see how you react.
12. When you answer the questions, remember to sound positive and enthusiastic.
When answering the questions, remember to sound positive and enthusiastic.
13. Since they want a motivated employee, the employer will expect you to have questions for them.
Wanting a motivated employee, the employer will expect you to have questions for them.
14. When they are asked questions about their business, they know the applicant has prepared beforehand.
When asked questions about their business, they know the applicant has prepared beforehand.
15. The applicant who is chosen for the job often has both qualifications and great social skills.
The applicant chosen for the job often has both qualifications and great social skills.
16. Applicants who are not hired should stay optimistic and try again as many times as needed.
Applicants not hired should stay optimistic and try again as many times as needed.

exercise 25 page 158


A mother gave advice to the babysitters. Turn the advice into reported speech. Start each sentence with "She told us..."


  1. “Don’t let the kids stay up late.”
    She told us not to let the kids stay up late.
  2. “Give them milk and cookies.”
    She told us to give them milk and cookies.
  3. “Never turn the computer on for them.”
    She told us never to turn the computer on for them.
  4. “Play board games instead.”
    She told us to play board games instead.
  5. “Don’t leave them alone with the cat.”
    She told us not to leave them alone with the cat.
  6. “Don’t leave the door unlocked.”
    She told us not to leave the door unlocked.

exercise 22 page 156


Translate into English.
1. En muista, mitä tapahtui juhlien lopuksi.
I don't remember what happened at the end of the party.
2. Kaikki kysyivät minulta, miksi olin tanssinut pöydällä.
Everybody asked me why I had been dancing / was dancing on the table.
3. Naapurimme haluavat tietää, koska palautat heidän koiransa ja kissansa.
Our neighbours want to know when you're going to return their cat and dog.
4. Miksi et ole kertonut minulle mitä tein?
Why haven't you told me what I did?
5. Haluaisin tietää, täytyykö minun pyytää kaikilta anteeksi.
I'd like to know if/whether I have to apologize to everybody.
6. En ole varma, puhuvatko ystäväni vielä minulle.
I'm not sure if/whether my friends are still talking to me.
7. Kysyitkö Jamesilta muistaako hän, mitä tapahtui?
Did you ask James if/whether he remembers what happened?
8. Ihmettelen, miksi kaikki on niin suurta arvoitusta.
I'm wondering / I wonder why everything is such a big mystery.

exercise 17 page 153


Turn the direct quotes into reported speech.

1. “The new Prime Minister is proud of his government.”
Grandma, it says here in the paper (that)...

Grandma, it says here in the paper (that) the new Prime Minister is proud of his government.

2. “The unemployment rate has gone down.”
Your grandson said (that)...

Your grandson said (that) the unemployment rate had/has gone down.

3. “Shark Tank won’t be on tomorrow.”
Your grandson told you (that)...

Your grandson told you (that) Shark Tank wouldn't be on the next/following day.

4. “The new Miss Finland doesn’t like ice-hockey players.”
It says here in the paper (that)...

It says here in the paper (that) the new Miss Finland doesn't like ice-hockey players.

5. “The local fire brigade rescued a cat from a tree yesterday.”
Your grandson said (that)...

Your grandson said (that) the local fire brigade rescued / had rescued a cat from a tree the previous day / the day before.

6. “There is a huge sand storm on Boa Vista and the tourists are trapped.”
Your grandson said (that)...

Your grandson said (that) there was a huge sand storm on Boa Vista and the tourists were trapped.

7. “The price of ice-cream has fallen this week.”
Your grandson told you (that)...

Your grandson told you (that) the price of ice-cream had fallen that week.

8. “Spring fashion isn’t going to be all about pastels and floral prints.”
Your grandson said (that)...

Your grandson said (that) spring fashion wasn't/isn't going to be all about pastels and floral prints.

exercise 8 page 138


Fill in.
I study in 1. one of the best universities (yksi parhaista yliopistoista) in London. It is 2. an enormous / a huge / a massive (valtava) stone building. It has all the facilities a good college should have; 3. well-furnished (hyvin kalustettu [furnished]) classrooms and laboratories, and even our library is 4. better than (parempi kuin) in any other school. Our new librarian is also 5. much / a lot more helpful than (paljon avuliaampi kuin) the previous one.
Our dean is 6. by far the strictest (kaikista ankarin) disciplinarian there is, but I don’t think he is 7. as scary/frightening as (yhtä pelottava kuin) some of the students say. However, if anyone violates the rules, they get punished. 8. The more active (mitä aktiivisempi) you are in your studies, 9. the better (sitä parempi) your future job will be”, he says. In our university, special attention is paid to behaviour and punctuality. 10. The best-behaved (Parhaiten käyttäytyvä) and 11. (the) most punctual (täsmällisin [punctual]) student is awarded a prize every year.
My university is very 12. similar to (samanlainen kuin) my dad’s school, except his was an all-boys school. My dad says getting a good education is 13. more and more important (yhä tärkeämpää) in the modern world. But he also says it is 14. even more important (vielä tärkeämpää) to do what really makes me happy.

exercise 7 page 137


Choose the best alternative. Listen to the recording to check your answers.
1. The youngest X-Games athlete ever was Jagger Eaton, 2. an 11-year-old boy, who competed in Skateboard Big Air in Los Angeles.
3. The longest underwater human chain consisted of 110 divers and was over 4. 76 metres long.
5. The tallest man was Sultan Kösenis who measured 251 cm. He took the title from Xi Shun who was 15 cm shorter 6. than Sultan. 7. The mostexpensive hamburger of all time sold for $5,000.
8. Your 75-year-old granny was 9. a lot younger than Jeanne Louise Calment, who at 122 years was 10. by far the oldest person who has ever lived.

Glossary: Working life page 47


Fill in the blanks. The ends of the words have been given.
When choosing an 1. occupation (-tion), the first thing to come to mind isn’t probably the 2. retirement (-ment) age. Regardless of your career 3. prospects (-cts) and even chances of getting a 4. promotion (-tion), the fact is that you need money to hang your hat early and become an old age 5. pensioner (-er). The higher your 6. salary (-ry), the easier it should be to save some money while still in 7. working (-ing) life. 8. Qualified (-ed) physicians, surgeons and orthodontists tend to earn nicely. As far as people outside the medical 9. profession (-ion) are concerned, there are also 10. entrepreneurs (-neurs) who manage to retire early. This is worth considering if you are looking for an 11. apprenticeship (-ship) and choosing firms. Who knows, you might set up your own successful 12. company (-ny) one of these days.

Glossary: Working life Translate page 47


Translate the questions.
1. Kuinka tuttu tämä ala on sinulle?
How familiar are you with this (line of) business? / How familiar is this (line of) business / work for you?
2. Kuinka usein päivität ansioluettelosi?
How often do you update your CV/resume?
3. Kuinka kauan olet hakenut työpaikkaa?
How long have you been applying for a job?
4. Millaisia luontaisetuja odotat?
What kind of perks/fringe benefits do you expect?
5. Oletko koskaan ollut lakossa tai pakkolomalla?
Have you ever been on strike or furloughed / on unpaid holiday?
6. Olisitko halukas työskentelemään provisiolla?
Would you be willing to work on commission?
7. Oletko koskaan harkinnut yksityisyrittäjäksi ryhtymistä?
Have you ever considered becoming an entrepreneur / a self-employed person?
8. Millaiset suositukset edellinen työnantajasi antoi sinulle?
What kind of references did your previous employer give you?
9. Mikä on kohtuullinen irtisanomiskorvaus sinun mielestäsi?
What is a reasonable severance payment in your opinion?
10. Mikä saisi sinut eroamaan työpaikastasi?
What would make you quit your job?

Glossary: Education B page 29


Write the words according to the clues.
  1. a term = semester
  2. optional = electives
  3. an extensive study paper you write as a postgraduate = thesis
  4. to study something as your main subject = major
  5. sign up for (a course) = enrol in
  6. fail = flunk
  7. a unit in a university specialising in a field of science = faculty
  8. a university of applied sciences = polytechnic
  9. a student’s manual = syllabus
  10. an institution dedicated to sciences = university
  11. a unit of study = credit
  12. money you apply for to be used for a specific purpose = grant
  13. a school without grade-level designations for students = non-graded
  14. a certificate of given grades = report
  15. to retake an ... exam
  16. an area where university buildings are concentrated = campus
  17. a school-leaving certificate = diploma

Glossary: Education A page 29

Fill in the gaps based on the clues.
In 1. junior high / secondary school / junior high school (yläkoulu) I had no idea that I would be writing my 2. thesis / doctoral thesis (väitöskirja) on biochemistry. Biology was one of my least favourite subjects in 3. upper secondary school / senior high school / sixth form (lukio) and I didn’t take any 4. optional / elective (valinnainen) courses on biology let alone chemistry. After 5. graduating / finishing school (valmistua) I started to think what I might become eventually. I had poor grades from my 6. matriculation examination / matriculation exam (ylioppilastutkinto) meaning that I would have to 7. retake / resit (tehdä uudelleen) nearly all the exams and consider taking new ones as well. And I started 8. cramming / to cram (päntätä), in earnest. Gradually, biology became fascinating and first jokingly, I started talking about 9. majoring (opiskella pääaineena) in biology. And that was the 10. course (opinto-ohjelma) I eventually applied for and got accepted to as well. I spent a year in Stockholm University as an 11. undergraduate (yliopisto-opiskelija), which gave me a clear idea what my 12. Master's thesis (pro gradu -tutkielma) would be about. It took me a year to complete it but I was praised for my work – big time. And one thing leads to another, so I found myself applying for 13. grants (apuraha) and getting prepared for 14. postgraduate (jatkotutkinto) studies. So here I am.

exercise 1e page 14



Translate the questions into English. Then take turns answering them with your partner.
1.Tiedätkö jo mihin jatko-opintopaikkoihin olisit kiinnostunut hakemaan? Mihin ja miksi?
Do you already know which institutions of further study you'd be interested in applying to? Which ones and why?
2.Mitkä ovat mielestäsi vahvan hakijan ominaisuudet?
In your view/opinion, what are the characteristics of a strong applicant?
3.Saisiko se, ettet tule hyväksytyksi sinut päättäväisemmäksi vai epäröivämmäksi uravalinnastasi? Miksi?
Would a failure to get / not getting accepted make you more determined or hesitant/doubtful about your career choice? Why?
4.Millaisia neuvoja antaisit epäonnekkaalle hakijalle, joka on luopumaisillaan urasuunnitelmistaan?
What kind of advice would you give to an unsuccessful applicant who is about to abandon / give up their career plans?
5.Romahtaisiko maailmasi vai pysyisitkö iloisena ja innokkaana, jos ystäväsi tulisivat hyväksytyiksi ja sinä et?
Would your world collapse or would you remain cheerful and enthusiastic if your friends got accepted and you didn't?
6. Onko hyväksyminen aina myönteinen asia ja hylkääminen kielteinen? Selitä mielipiteesi.
Is acceptance always a positive thing and a rejection a negative one? Explain your views.

ENA6 / Haaksluoto / 6. jakso

ENA6 / SCHOOL YEAR 2020 - 2021 / PERIOD VI
Töölön yhteiskoulun aikuislukio, Urheilukatu 10 - 12, 00250 Helsinki

Teacher: Erja H. Haaksluoto, e-mail: erja.haaksluoto@tyk.fi

Available for consultation: before and after the lessons and on Tuesdays at 20.05
- 20.45 hours (= so-called KIELIKLINIKKA) either or online on GoogleMeet or in
class room 31 at Töölön yhteiskoulun aikuislukio, Urheilukatu 10 – 12, 00250
Helsinki (except NOT during the exam weeks)

NB! Kannattaa käydä Otavan www-sivuilla www.otava.fi Siellä on kaikenlaista

Book: Elina Karapalo – Paula Keltto – Mark Kilmer – Päivi Kuusivaara – Teijo
Päkkilä – Annukka Suonio: Insights Course 6 (Otava)

On course 6 we are focusing on three main themes: future, studying and
working. In grammar and structures we shall deal with some important structures

We shall meet 11 (eleven) times on Mondays and Wednesdays at 17.00 –18.20
hours as follows:

NB! Voit kuunnella kaikki kirjan tekstit ja kuunteluharjoitukset
osoitteessa: https://tiedostot.otava.fi/aanet/insights6

1. April 19, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Introduction to the course // Home
Assignments: Curriculum Vitae & Personal Statement p. 120 – 123 // Text 1
You’ve got mail p. 9 – 12 / ex. 1c p. 13

2. April 21, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): ex. 1d p. 13 / ex. 1e & 1f p. 14 – 15 /
ex. 1j p. 18 // GRAMMAR: ADJECTIVES p. 129 – 134 / ex. 2 & 3 p. 135

3. April 26, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): ex. 7 p. 137; ex. 8 p. 138 //
GRAMMAR: ADVERBS p. 139 – 142

4. April 28, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): ex. 10 & 11 p. 143; ex. 12 p. 144
– 145; ex. 13 p. 145 // GRAMMAR: REPORTED SPEECH (STATEMENTS) p. 146
– 150

5. May 3, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Text 3 Let’s go to university, eh? p. 30 –
33 (video) / ex. 3c p. 34 // ex. 14 & 15 p. 151

6. May 5, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): Text 6 Passion into business p. 54 –
57 / ex. 6h p. 61 // ex. 17 p. 153

7. May 10, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): GRAMMAR: REPORTED
& REQUESTS) p. 157 // ex. 6b & 6c p. 58 - 59

8. May 12, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): ex. 6d p. 60 // ex. 18 & 19 & 22 p.
155 - 156; ex. 25 p. 158 // GRAMMAR: SHORTENED CLAUSES p. 159 – 162 /
ex. 26 & 27 p. 164 - 165

9. May 17, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): GRAMMAR: SHORTENED CLAUSES
p. 159 – 164 / ex. 29 & 30 p. 166 // GRAMMAR: VERBS WITHOUT

10. May 19, 2021 (online on GoogleMeet): GRAMMAR: VERBS AND
PREPOSITIONS p. 167 – 172 / ex. 33 p. 174 – 175 / GRAMMAR: NOUNS AND
p. 182 – 191

11. May 24, 2021 (in class room 31 at school): ex. 36 p. 178 // ex. 38 & 40 p.
184 - 185 / ex. 42 & 43 & 44 & 45 p. 193 - 194

1. CV (CURRICULUM VITAE) in English / DEADLINE: on May 12th, 2021 / Before
you do anything, have a close look at pages 120 - 122!
2. PERSONAL STATEMENT (200 – 300 words) (= exercise 1 / STEP 1, page
123) DEADLINE: on May 12th, 2021 / Before you do anything, have a close look
at pages 122 - 123!

DIGITAL EXAM at 17.00 – 21.00 hours on Thursday, May 27th, 2021:
The exam consists of the following parts:
a) listening comprehension
b) RC / reading comprehension
c) MC / multiple choice
d) Grammar: 1) adjectives, 2) adverbs, 3) reported speech, 4) shortened clauses,
5) verbs without prepositions, 6) verbs with prepositions, 7) nouns with
prepositions, 8) adjectives with prepositions
e) Translations and vocabulary on the texts that we have dealt with during the
f) Composition of 700 – 1,300 characters

1. Written digital exam with the listening parts at 17.00 – 21.00 hours on Thursday,
May 27th, 2021
2. Home Assignments (+)
3. Activity during the lessons (+)

You will have your exams back on e-mail, but I shall be available for questions in
person in Class Room 31 (if the pandemic is over) or digitally at 16.00 – 17.30
on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021.

at 17.00 – 20.05 hours on Friday, on September 3rd, 2021 = UUSINTAKOE, johon
on ehdottomasti ILMOITTAUDUTTAVA ETUKÄTEEN kansliasta saatavalla
vaaleansinisellä lomakkeella viimeistään VIIKKOA ENNEN KOETTA eli
perjantaina 27.8.2021. Uusintakoelomakkeesta on myös olemassa sähköinen
lomake. Nettisivuilla on pdf, jonka voi suoraan täyttää ja lähettää liitetiedostona
kansliaan. Lomake löytyy täältä: https://www.tyk.fi/aikuislukio/tietoa/lomakkeet/