Seminar on Research on Work and Learning, 4th June 2018

Place: Ruusupuisto Building, Room RUU E 213, Alvar Aallon katu 9, Jyväskylä

In the seminar recent research on employees’ and students’ learning at work is presented and discussed with our distinguished international guests, Professor Stephen Billett, Griffith University, Australia, and Professor Laurent Filliettaz, University of Geneva, Switzerland.


Integrating and augmenting higher education students’ practice-based experiences
Stephen Billett

Learning through complex interactional participatory configurations at work
Laurent Filliettaz

Recent work-related learning research: Emotions and leadership
Anneli Eteläpelto, Kaija Collin, Päivi Hökkä, Susanna Paloniemi & Katja Vähäsantanen

Integrating work and learning in Finnish higher education
Päivi Tynjälä, Hannu Heikkinen, Anne Virtanen & Maarit Virolainen

You are warmly welcome!

More information:
Professor Päivi Tynjälä