Nordplus 2023-2024 TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG

Mobility in Lohja 24.-29.9.2023

We had a very nice and active week with our new Danish friends.
33 Danish pupils and 5 teachers arrived on Sunday evening and were taken home to their host families.
On Monday we had a welcome morning assembly for the whole school: we learned some Danish words/sentences and sang together "Brother Jacob" in many languages. That was also a start for our MOK-week (Lohja 700 years) at our school.
We got know each other by playing different games, talked about democracy and how to influence one´s own life.
In the evening we gathered at school and had an International Evening and Amazing Race with pupils, families and teachers. We also had a potluck and many different things to eat:) We raised money for Ukrainian.
On Tuesday we continued with the subject "Democracy". We created political parties, simulated debate and elections. It went pretty well and we were proud of our pupils! During the day the Danes also went on a bus trip round our city Lohja and visited Lohja and main sites.
On Wednesday we left early for Helsinki to visit Sibelius Monument, Finnish Parliament, Temppeliaukio Church, the main library Oodi, Senate Square etc. The Finnish parliament was interesting and informative place to visit!
On Thursday we had a lesson about social media and influencing for the 8th and 9th graders of the school. Jari, our history teacher, interviewed Sami Ibrahim, youth worker about his life and his ways of influencing. After that the Finnish and Danish pupils played football against each other: Finland won 5-0. Congrats!
In the afternoon we left for a walk through Lahokallio and went to Liessaari and to the Yacht club. There we had good time, we grilled, went to the sauna and for a swim, hanged around...That was our farewell party for our Danish friends:)
On Friday morning the bus left at 6.30. to the airport. It was time to say good bye! But we will meet again in April! We are really looking forward in meeting you all again! Take care, we had a very nice week together:)


Mobility in our school 24.-29.9.23

Our project Together we are strong will be a project where we look into each other and
ourselves through a historical and contemporary perspective.
The content in this project, Together We are Strong, is to put in relation the common European
reality and through this the pupils' understanding, as an active citizen, of the countries' position
in Scandinavia/ Europe/ the World.
Our aim is to increase the knowledge of the Nordic countries and develop the understanding
of the Scandinavian countries as a special and powerful unity, if this unity cooperates and
reinforces each other. Even though Denmark and Finland are small nations, the Nordic
countries can have a strong and important voice to influence the politics of Europe/ the World.
Furthermore, our purpose is to strengthen pupils´ social skills, well-being and motivation to
study and attend school. Studying together is much more fun. Together with our pupils, we
will explore, how youth life is lived in both countries through literature, art, and democracy.
We want to be curious about our own history and democracy and how this has evolved in the
other country. Which similarities and which differences characterize being young in Finland and
The target group will be pupils from Ojamonharjun yhtenäiskoulu and Ryomgård Realskole's
8th grade.
The questions are elucidated from interdisciplinary angles, with subjects such as Finnish/
Danish, History, Civics, Swedish, and English and we will follow the Finnish and Danish
We intend to establish and make friendships and show our pupils the value of the opportunities
to communicate, share knowledge, and explore across borders.
In addition, the goal for the pupils is developing important knowledge and skills in the project
and in their further education and work life. We emphasize communication through ICT- efforts
at teacher-pupil level. That means the creation of a communication platform so that dialogue,
development and language understanding are integrated naturally in the learning.
Nordplus project is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.