Kuuntelu (Tehtävät 3-5)

3. Digital Literacy (12 p.)

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This is a podcast episode where online pedagogy expert Mark Curcher is interviewed about digital literacy and how media can affect people’s opinions. The recording is divided into two sections. You can listen once all the way through, and then listen again to both sections separately. Read the questions carefully and choose the best alternative.

3.1 What problem can be caused by the difficulty of verifying information? 3 p.

3.2 What does Mark Curcher propose to amend the situation? 3 p.

3.3 What is the point made by the example about Castro? 3 p.

3.4 What is easy nowadays with the help of technology, according to Mark Curcher? 3 p.

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4. Typewriter (6 p.)

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You will hear a short recording about old typewriters twice. Listen to the recording and answer the questions in Finnish. Please write a concise answer not exceeding 150 characters for each question. Exceeding the maximum number of characters will lead to points being cut.

4.1 Mikä aiheutti ongelmia, kun vanhoilla kirjoituskoneilla yritettiin kirjoittaa nopeasti? (max 150 characters) 3 p.

4.2 Miten QWERTY-näppäimistö ratkaisi ongelman? (max 150 characters) 3 p.

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5. Northumbria University (9 p.)

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This is an advert promoting Northumbria University in the north of England. You can listen to the recording twice. Read the questions carefully and choose the best alternative.

5.1 How does the advert present the culture of Newcastle? 3 p.

5.2 What aspects of Northumbria University’s provisions for students does the advert emphasise as especially valuable? 3 p.

5.3 What would be the best overall title for this recording? 3 p.

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