Kansainvälisyystoiminta 2018-2019
Kansainvälisyystoiminta 2018-2019
Educlusterin kautta kolme etelä-korealaista opettajaa syyskuusta 2018 helmikuuhun 2019
Name |
GARAM /KANG (1990)
SEONHA/KIM (1991) |
JIHYUN / HYUN (1990) |
English Ability |
Low intermediate |
advanced |
Intermediate |
Teaching Subject |
all subject for elementary school (+ English 1 year) |
English |
Korean, Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Music, Arts, P.E Present |
Present School |
Murung elementary school |
Seogwi Jungang Girls' Middle School |
Seoho Elementary School |
School level for being placed |
Elementary School (5th grade) |
Middle |
Elementary School |
Interests |
Reading, movies, cooking, sport |
language learning and teaching, cultures, animals, nature |
Art, Music, English |
My Key Objectives for this training
I want to know how they design educational space with comfort and suitable. And I’ll look at the efforts to link space and education.
I want to know how they make connecting link among agent of education. E.g. School Linkage of educational agents, support and welfare for members. Student: an independent student body, Club; Teacher: Professional Learning Community, Team Teaching Parents, Local community.
I want to know how they Design curriculum that builds students’ potential and basic academic level. I will look at the curriculum and their philosophy. E.g. philosophy, assessment to help student growth, integration and reorganization of class, improvement of basic academic ability and other topics. |
Based on what I observe in local schools and what I get to know through cooperation with local teachers, -To think of ways to customize the praisable class models into Korean education
-To design classes that makes students think and promotes students' creativity
-To build up my own process-oriented evaluation methods that eventually encourage students' growth
1)Individual Curriculum
2)Student-centered Teaching Method
3)Evaluation in the Learning Process
A few things that I would like to learn more about regarding teaching
First, I want to learn philosophy about education that let our students happy and develop. Second, I want to see space that make students want to stay and grow. And also I want to see how teachers using spaces meaningfully.
Third, I want to know many activities that I can use in the class. |
-Phenomenon-based leaning -Process-oriented evaluation/assessment -Subject-integrated teaching -Feedback on students' works -Special classes for slow learners -Interaction between students and how to encourage students to interact more with peers -Career education -Student counselling |
How to make good relationship with students
How Finnish Education gain trust of students’ parents
English Education in Finland
15.9. avointen ovien päivänä kamerunilaisen Elvis Nshom Ngwayuhin luento maailmankansalaisuudesta
8.10. Esitys Mankolan koulun Yrittäjyyskasvatuksesta Kuokkalan koulussa :
START IN Developing Inclusive and Innovative Entrepreneurship Education in Europe GRANT NUMBER: 2017-1-TR01-KA201-046635 3nd Transnational project meeting at JAMK, Jyväskylä, Finland
17.15 – 18.15 Finnish comprehensive school environment and entrepreneurship education implementation in schools (Kuokkala and Mankola schools as an example), Liitukuja 4 hosted by Pricipal Mr. Seppo Pulkkinen PhD (Kuokkala) and Teacher Ms. Marjut Hiltunen (Mankola) Grades 1-9, students from 7 year up to 15 years. https://www.jyvaskyla.fi/opetus/english Examples of Entrepreneurship Education in Initial Teacher Education, University lecturer Ms. Sonja Niiranen
9.10. Edellisen ryhmän vierailu Mankolan koulussa.
13.11. JAMKin kestävän gastronomian lehtori Francesca Allievi ja Food Culture –opintojakson opiskelijoita mm. Japanista, Tšekistä, Italiasta ja Saksasta kävi koulun ruokasalissa ruokailemassa sekä kuvaamassa ja haastattelemassa englanniksi ala-ja yläkoulun oppilaita, opettajia ja keittiön henkilökuntaa projektiaan varten. Opiskelijat tekevät valokuvien, haastattelujen ja havaintojensa perusteella multimediaesityksen opintoihinsa liittyen.
Suomen ympäristökeskus SYKE on osallistunut YK:n kestävän kehityksen Agenda 2030 tieteellisen taustaraportin kirjoittamiseen ja nostanut kokemuksia suomalaisesta kouluruokailusta sinne. Mankolan koulu on ollut pitkään mukana SYKE:n tutkimuksessa.
Professori Katherine Richardson ja hänen assistenttinsa Jakob Fritzbøger Christensen Tanskasta, Kööpenhaminan yliopistosta tekevät aiheesta laajaa verkkokurssia opiskelijoille (ks. http://www.sustainability.ku.dk/ ). Christensen vieraili Mankolassa ja haastatteli oppilaita ja kouluruokailun järjestäjiä kurssia varten.
11.-17.2. Oppilasvaihto Ave María de la Quinta -koulun kanssa. 15 oppilasta ja 2 opettajaa viikon Mankolan yhtenäiskoulussa vierailulla Hyvinvointiviikolla.
12.3. Opettaja Marjut Hiltunen puhujana:
Webinars for the European Commission (via the School Education Gateway)-the Phenomenon Based Learning approach now being used as part of curriculum in Finland, and titled 'Entrepreneurial Problem Solving'). Puheenvuoro pidettiin Adobe Connectilla verkossa.
13.-17.5.2019 9 lk saksan opiskelijoiden matka Puolaan.
16.5-22.5.2019 9lk espanjan opiskelijoiden vaihtomatka Espanjaan, Granadaan Ave María de la Quintan ystävyyskouluun.