
My name is PUFF and I'm the Spanish Puppet!

This is my school's uniform . Do you like it?

This is my Catalan dress! I always wear it on the weekends! I like dressing like a traditional Catalan peaseant! Isn't it cool? I love it!

My typical Spanish dress is great! I have got a Spanish guitar, I love playing the guitar and my favorite music is Rock and Roll, Oh Yeah!

And finally, since I am travelling to Greece, this is my Greek dress. I hope Greeks love my outfit! I think I really look gorgeous with it, What do you think??

And now I am ready to travel to Sweden... they said it's a little bit cold over there!

And a good woolly hat and a good scarf will help me there! Check it out! they have Swedish flag colours!
and what about my new Wig? Who do you think I look like?? Make a guess... jejeje!


Yes Puff , you look more Greek than a ...Greek!What a nice idea to dress him with a characteristic outfit of ancient Greece.
Who made these costumes, Carme?
Teachers did... You should have a look at its dresses for Sweden! :)
We're looking forward to Puff's visite to the Netherlands.

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