Christmas videos

Christmas Carols in Greece *kalanda* remind us of the Birth of Jesus , wishing to bring His Blessing to all the families.

New Year Eve's Carols remind us of Saint  Vassilios ~Άγιος Βασίλειος coming to every family, bringing joy and prosperity.

"The feeding of the water tap" an old Greek Christmas custom about the silent water which is believed to bring good luck to those who will stay silent all the way to the water spring and back home before they drink it!

"Frikantella" : a digital story about a witch who hated Christmas Carols.
It is a story based on Eugene Triviza's book,a famous Greek writer and it is illustrated by the pupils of the 4th grade , themselves. It is narrated by the students of the 6th grade Sophia Kapelis and Constantina Bourogiannis.

Christmas recipe: Christmas Bread by the pupils of the 6th grade.

We mustn't eat it before Christmas Day .Tradition demands it!

"Φρικαντέλλα" narrated in the Greek language.


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