Programme in Forssa

Unity in diversity – Bridging cultural gaps in Europe´s Baltic Sea Region

Bernstorff-Gymnasium Satrup (Germany) Forssan yhteislyseo (Finland)

Meeting with students 3.-7.2.2020  in Forssa, Finland


Mon 3rd feb 2020

Arrival in Helsinki at 15.15. Coach to Forssa

Approx. at 17.30 at school and students introduce themselves. Jugend hall

At 19 parents pick students up from school


Tue 4th feb 2020

at 9.30 meeting at school, presentation of the school, presentation of the Forssa region. Jugend hall

at 11.00 lunch at school

11.45 town tour 

project work

programme with the hosts


Wed 5th feb 2020

at 8.15 coach to Tampere

at 10.00 Moomin museum, guided tour

at 13.00 Trampolin park

at 18.30 Ice hockey game




Thu 6th feb 2020


at 9.45-11.00 German and Finnish music with Mr Sorri. Jugend hall

at 11.00 lunch at school

at 11.45-13.00 project work

at 13.15 coach to snow shoe trip and sauna in Eerikkilä (warm clothes, swimwear and towel)

at 18.00 coach to Forssa


Fri 7th feb 2020

at 8.15 coach to Vantaa

at 10.30 Fazer Visitor Centre, guided tour

at 11.30 lunch at Visitor Centre

at 14.00 Oodi Helsinki Central Library, guided tour käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä