Pikatesti 3: Take-verbi kaikissa mahdollisissa muodoissa, sijoittelutehtävä

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Kirjoita lauseisiin take-verbin paljas tai to-infinitiivi, ing-muoto, nykyajassa tai menneessä ajassa, aktiivissa tai passiivissa.

be taken
being taken
having been taken
to take
having taken
to be taken
have taken
to have taken

1. I saw Malcolm a pill and put it in his mouth.

2. the pill, he drank a glass of water.

3. The doctor had told him those pills only if nothing else helped.

4. Perhaps he should to hospital now?

5. I know he dislikes there.

6. If he had been upstairs, I would no notice.

7. Malcom has stopped my adivce.

8. Since ill, he’s changed a lot.

9. In caring for him, many things have got into considerarion.

10. Well, I seem up enough of your time already.

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